Primrose Oil (or whateved it's called lol)

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
So I am 35 weeks and 1 day, and I have heard that this Primrose Oil is great for prepping your cervix for labor. I am interested in using this, but I am a rather ignorant in this subject as I have never even heard of it until I started using Pregly back in February.

I'm curious as to how you use it. I Googled this stuff, and it is to my understanding you take it both orally and vaginally starting around 36 weeks. Since Google has never used this product or has had a baby lol, I am reaching out to you mommas for answers. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Please note, I am NOT wanting to jump start labor, especially at this point. From my understanding, this stuff is not meant to start labor, rather "prepping" for it. Again, I am inexperienced which is why I am asking. Baby is definitely not ready to come out, and I understand that. I want her to stay in for as long as possible, however I am wanting to do everything possible to avoid a medically interviened delivery. :)

Thanks mommas!


  • I did a lot of research on it as well but didn't feel comfy putting something up there unless it would have really been oil/cream lol. Seamen has the same effect
  • The only problem with that is I don't have a man to "help me out" if you catch my drift... ;)
  • I just made a post about this as midwife said to take 2000mg orally and u can do up to 4000mg vaginally but I havnt tried im a lil scared still lol
  • Lol I am scared too, especially now that I started to go into labor on Sunday and they had to stop it and now I'm getting steroid injections to mature baby's lungs...I don't wanna complicate things anymore!
  • From wat I understand she said its jus to help soften ur cervix and she reccomended it because I also dont hav a man to help wit the seamen part lol but im diein for feed bak about it!!! She said to poke a hole in the capsule and lube it n jus put it in there...freaks me out tho :)
  • Ahhh that's crazy! I don't have a man to help out either but I wanna prep everything as much as possible cuz I wanna have a natural delivery. I figure any help I can get I'll take!
  • Im hoping for a natural birth too :) im tempted to try them tonite but wanna hear someones experiance first lol
  • I know I have read prior experiences somewhere on here but can't seem to find them. :( I hate being so redundant on here but I just wanna know others experiences and outcomes, also!
  • We need feed back from!!!! Lol
  • Okay ladies, my friend used it and u can put it on your taint to help prevent ripping, you can wash your hands and poke a hole in the capsule and squeeze it into your vajayjay and try to get it close to your cervix, you can insert it up there also, you can swallow it too. Its safe. I dilate fast but I'm thinking of just swallowing it cause I don't want to put it there directly till 38 weeks which is next week
  • I'm going to try it when I'm 38 weeks too
    Where do you buy it? Also I wanted to try the red raspberry tea leaf starting now but I am also clueless where to get it.
  • Lol I'm drinking that. I don't know what state you live in but you can get it at Fred Myers or Kroger and organic stores. The capsules a health store I think. My friend gave me hers and it was 10 dollars for 60 capsules
  • Yea my mid wife told me to wait till 38 weeks also...i got my capsules at walmart and my tea at the supplement store...i also got a pregnancy tea which is red ras leaf tea and other things added for ur cervix and it tasts much better than jus.the plain ras leaf tea :) thank u for ur help
  • Ahh I don't think I'm going be pregnant anymore at 38 weeks, this baby is likely gonna come by then so I wonder if I should start this weekend when I hit 36 weeks cuz doc says once I hit 37 weeks, no more stopping labor. I see him today and tomorrow so I'll see what he has to say.

    Thanks for your feedback, I was pretty disappointed that I only had one response when I posted this, I thought for sure many more ladies would have questions or feedback, but I guess the drama has been trumping all else lately lol. ;)
  • Yeah definitely don't take it until you talk to you doctor especially since they already had to stop your labor. I'm pretty sure he will recommend against it.
  • Yeah I was thinking so too. I don't want her to come early but apparently she wants to make a break for it and when it's their time...then they're ready!
  • My last pregnancy I bought it in liquid form with a dropper top... and you put a few dropper fulls up you while laying down. Then remain laying for 15 to 30 mins. I would do it at bedtime. I've never seen the pills before.
  • I used it last pregnancy and was dialated what felt like FOREVER. 3cm for almost a month (but I have never gone into labor on my own). My doula told me to poke a hole in the capsule and insert it as close to the cervix as possible. I did it several times a day. It did seem to make it much easier to dialate but did not start my labor. If you're going to buy it you need to look for evening primrose oil and my doula said not to start it until after 36 weeks.
  • @YNVTish where did you find the stopper that would be much easier
  • I got it in Berkeley CA (down the street from CAL Berkeley) they have a lot of organic stores.. the local people there tend to be extremely earthy... which I'm far from.
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