Well I cant tell you what to do,..but I can tell you what did not work with me, I was 40wks doc said i coulld try castor oil,...i did, everything came out except bby ((awful)), induced @42wks
See every womans different, I drank castor oil at 37 weeks walked laps around my house at 6pm at 8:01pm next day I gave birth. I have history of preterm labor n had already been admitted 4xs in 4 weeks. My contractions were unbearable but cause I was only 3cm they wouldn't keep me. After castor oil I hit 4cm I guess and the next morning around 10am I went into hard labor. I also visited the bathroom a lot. Primrose oil walking n sex n hot showers n nipple stimulation are also suppose to help good luck. I'm 31 weeks n have been having contractions all night I feel ya but I got a few more weeks to go
No apparently if ur not 4cm and not 38 weeks along its unethical for them to help ur labor progress. Crap if u ask me after weeks of hard painful .contractions