baby #2 almost nine years later!! what a trip!
Well in 2002 I had my little girl Sadie Rose and its been great!! Well now, due august 3rd is my baby boy, Devin Jacob! Ill admit, I'm a bit nervous! But I think this new addition will be amazing!! Sadie is starting to become interested in the baby bump, and alwayse askes how Devin is, its cute! This pregnancy has been a lot tougher than it was with her, tho, and I just hope it kind of slows down and gets a bit easier....good luck to all mommies to be, weather first, or more!!
Best wishes to you and your's!
It'll work out, I'm just going to spend time everyday talking with each kiddo, even if its on our way to one place or another or while baby is in my arms eating. I think if we keep telling our daughters how much we love them and how much they mean to us they'll be ok. I always thought it was hard getting my kids used to the idea of a new baby when they were 3 and 2, turns out for my oldest its hard at 13 and for my "Baby" its going to be more difficult to give up that youngest role thanI ever expected it to be. I know though our two families will adjust and these little miracles (late comers or not,heehee) will help complete our families. Our big kids will be ok, we will love 'em right tthrough it, won't we