baby #2 almost nine years later!! what a trip!

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
Well in 2002 I had my little girl Sadie Rose and its been great!! Well now, due august 3rd is my baby boy, Devin Jacob! Ill admit, I'm a bit nervous! But I think this new addition will be amazing!! Sadie is starting to become interested in the baby bump, and alwayse askes how Devin is, its cute! This pregnancy has been a lot tougher than it was with her, tho, and I just hope it kind of slows down and gets a bit easier....good luck to all mommies to be, weather first, or more!!


  • Congrats!! I delivered my last baby 9 years too. It's soo different being pregnant again after a time has gone by. That's great she luvs her lil brother already! My daughter is almost 11 and isn't thrilled about her new brother.
  • I had my first Feb 2000 and now I'm due may 4 with her sister. She was not to thrilled for a tiny bit but now kisses my belly and makes amirah pictures
  • Very cute! My kayla was born in may 2000 too almost 11. She throws fit if I pick up any baby bib or clothes that says mommy's little..anything lol jealousy! But she is my only girl, she just is overattached to me.
  • Jaime77, I think once she meets him, all will be great! She will prolly find herself helping out more than not!! I remember my daughter not wanting to look at baby stuff either, but then she felt bad for hurting my feelings! It was too cute!! Proudmomma..that's so sweet. Sadie doesn't kiss my belly but she has walked up fists first like she gunna punch and tells lil Devin to behave himself...its sooo funny!! Have a great day ladies!!
  • my first was born in 2002 an im now due with my second in oct 2011. i know how you feel its kinda weird but so awesome at the same time. my son is super excited!!!!
  • Im in the same boat...had my first 2 daughters in 97 and 99...pregnant and due 10/21/11 with baby 3. I was told for 9 years i was no longer fertile.....been with my bf for 7 years and apparently he had one super sperm that wanted to prove the drs scared to do it all over again...but my girls (14 & 11) are excited ...happy ...and willing to help
  • Congrats on ur new addition!! It's been 8 1/2 years since I had my second baby and 13 years since my first. My girls are so excited about having another baby. They have been asking us for years about anotherone. When we told them we are having another baby our 8 year old said her wish came true! She said at Sunday school she told her teacher she wanted a baby for Christmas. LOL!!! Every week my girls like to see what the babies progress is :) I have to admit I'm nervous about having another baby but I also can't wait until our little one is born!!
  • @KmamaToBe congrats ;) I'm so excited for you.
  • I had my son in 2003 and I'm due Sep 20th with this one my son has always been exited but he wants a little sister and we don't. Get to find out till Monday that's if the baby cooperates so I think he might be a little worried if its another boy but hopefully hell cone arround if it is. :)
  • Oh wow!! Congrats to everyone!! The stories help knowing so many others are having babies much later too!! I hope all your famlies are wonderful and healthy!!! Keep in touch and let me know whhat you're having and that everything goes smoothly!! We are 22 weeks today and feeling great!!
  • Awesome I hope the same for you. ;)
  • I have a friend who is 24. She has 2 brothers. 10 and 2. And now a new little sister, who is a few months old.
  • I had my first boy in 2000 and now I'm due with my second boy on july 25th, my son couldn't be more excited, hes been very concerned about me and the baby since I got preggo.. He even saw a commercial about babies with cleft palets and was so worried that it was going to happen to his brother.. He is so sweet and is going to be an awesome older brother!!
  • My daughter was born September 2000. I'm due 10/8/11. This is all new to me again. Its not going as smoothly as before. But I'm ok. My daughter is not happy at all. She's scared that she'll get ignored. I'm starting to feel really bad. We had a talk & I said me & her wont change. She said she's trying to act happy cuz she doesn't wanna disappoint me. Along with drama from my extended family & some of my health issues, I'm starting to get sadder & crying more.
  • My sister and I are 12 years apart, it's amazing the bond we have. I looked up to her like another mother figure.
    Best wishes to you and your's!
  • I have a 13(b) and (10)g and due june 28 with a girl... I felt soo bad when i found out i was preggo after 10yrs. Kids are grown and just the thought about startn ALL over made me ill. My daughter gets jealous at times and at times shes ok. Im confused and nervous when bby arrives. Its been a different pregnacy with this one. But WERE excited to meet her!! Time is going by sooo slow!! Good Luck Mommies!!
  • #4 after nearly 10 years for me. My 13 yr old (daughter) is not thrilled and said she would "try to accept it if its a girl." My middle child (boy) is already asking to babysit, he's 12. My "baby boy" whose 9 is already jealous and says he doesn't want to hear anything about the baby. He's been the baby so long, he even asked me not to call it "baby" because its his nickname. So this one has to be Gumdrop. I know this pregnancy has been a lot harder on me than the first 3, when I was so much younger. But I think its going to be. Wonderful blessing for all of us mommies :) good luck everyone!
  • I had my first in 2004 and I'm due with my little one in Aug 28/11. My daughter is excited to meet her baby sister, she kisses my belly all the time. It's hard to start all over again but I think this is my last time.
  • @betty @cicelia how do u deal w jealousy? Mine feels she's gonna get abandoned & left out. I told her no we wont do that.
  • I am having second a decade later and 40. How did this lil surprise happen? Lol.
  • @KmamaToBe, I also had my daughter in in2002 and I am now pregnant with my second child 9 years later! :) I have been waiting for this a long time and we r super excited to have another baby! It is definitely different this time around and I am pretty nervous! Good luck to you!
  • I had my son in 2000 and my daughter in 2001 now we have baby girl on the was she's due aug 9 and my daughter turns 10 in nov. I'm so tired this time around. Luckly both my kids are happy about the baby espically my daughter.
  • I had my son in 2001 and now is is my 2nd baby due in oct :)
  • @KmamaToBe, I also had my daughter in in2002 and I am now pregnant with my second child 9 years later! :) I have been waiting for this a long time and we r super excited to have another baby! It is definitely different this time around and I am pretty nervous! Good luck to you!
  • @one5one I'm still figuring it all out. I've always referred to my youngest as. "Baby" and he asked me not to call this baby "Baby" so we call it Gumdrop instead. My daughter said we already hafe to many kids when I asked her how she felt. I told her I think she's worried there wont be enough time and attention for her. Then I told her we do only have so many hours in the day, so God made our hearts/love grow more with each baby and that's what will give us tha ability to spend quality time together if not quantity. It worked for her to feel less anxious about this one coming (until its here haha). My middle child is totally cool and excited for the baby, I think its a middle child thing :)

    It'll work out, I'm just going to spend time everyday talking with each kiddo, even if its on our way to one place or another or while baby is in my arms eating. I think if we keep telling our daughters how much we love them and how much they mean to us they'll be ok. I always thought it was hard getting my kids used to the idea of a new baby when they were 3 and 2, turns out for my oldest its hard at 13 and for my "Baby" its going to be more difficult to give up that youngest role thanI ever expected it to be. I know though our two families will adjust and these little miracles (late comers or not,heehee) will help complete our families. Our big kids will be ok, we will love 'em right tthrough it, won't we :)
  • edited April 2011
    I had my first daughter in 1994, my second in 1995 & my third in 1998. I'm due to have my fourth daughter this July 13yrs after my last. It has been an awkward feeling in the beginning, but it feels like the first time since been so many years since my last baby. Now that I'm older I've paid closer attention to little things and find myself always reading what's going on week to wk with her. I also like to read to her when she awake.
  • @cicelia I do talk w my daughter even more so now. I don't want her feeling neglected at all.she says she's gonna stay in her room when baby comes & to just give her meals. She also said to give baby to someone who wants it cuz she don't. I plan on including her in any way so she gets used to the idea. This is jer baby too as much as mine & hubs. I'm gonna start asking her for more input. Maybe that will help too.
  • Wow!! I love reading everyones stories!! Sorry I've missed them, have been sick in the hospital, but am 100% again!! Momof22b good luck to you as well!! I hope it comes quick!! Lol. Congrats to everyone on their new little blessings!! Your families will be happy when they see how happy you are!! I hope everyones pregnancies are going smoothly, at least smoother than mine!! My lil man has been giving me trouble from jump street!! But he's healthy!! Good luck to everyone, and keep us all posted on your new additions!!
  • My boy will turn 15years in June and I will have my second baby in August , I am so exciting and worry at the same time : :-S
  • My son just turned ten and I am eleven weeks with my unplanned second. I am excited but nervous. It is like starting over!
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