Hi @georgias_mummy I'm not ttc anymore for personal reasons, but just thought I would stop and speak ..:-), but go figure now I actually feel like I'm having the prego symptoms, how are you
@georgias_mummy Im doing just fabulous today, how bout yourself? I technically can't start ttc till I get my cycle back. I had a mc 2 weeks ago and am patiently wating for af to return Hope she returns soon!
@patientlyw8ing4blessing awww sorry to hear but nrmally the way u stop ttc and nw ur feeling it hehe must b a sign xxx
@lil_brit17. Some people concieve the month they mc before af appears but gl 4 next month xxx
@live4my2 awww that's when I'm going to test I'm not sure on big o as my period has messes me about since ttc so were just gna have sex as mch as poss gl and fingerscrossed 4 u xx
oh really!! i didnt know it was possible so quick. you can get preggo before all your hormones levels go down from a previous pregnancy? that would be so cool if it happened that quick!
@excitedtobe ahhh...clomid lol. It's been a little rough on me but everyone is different. I have migraines the 5 days I take it. VERY moody. I cramp for 4 days prior to ovulation and the hot flashes! Wow. They are not fun. But if it works then I guess it will be worth it. This was my forth month on it
Well I had a m/c march 21 doctor said I can start back ttc, so late nite I took a ovulation test and I showed that i will be ovulating in the next day or so. So excited can't wait to be prego again *baby dust to all you ttc mommys* goodluck
hey ladies! sounds like everything is still.....going :-) this is my third cycle trying and we are full force this month! my last chance for 2011 baby. im excited hope it works this time.. stupid mirena makes it take forever! good luck everyone this month!
Just waiting for af to get over... and trying not to let life stress me... gonna get my preseed after "she" leaves me so I'm looking fwd to trying again!!! 8-|
@georgias_mummy I'm good me and hubby are going to stay at amarriot this weekned hopfully we wii conceive or hopfullt I will have already conceived becuz we have been trying already. Baby dust to you hun this time. Keep in touch.
Well I have been thinking something was wrong with me because I had 2 tests left yesterday and no pos opk. Then I took one when I got home from work and I finally got a smiley face. I felt so relieved. I really hope we conceive I tried the calendar method for too long. I am glad I forked out the money for the opk because at least now I know I am getting ready to ov.
@lil_brit17. Some people concieve the month they mc before af appears but gl 4 next month xxx
@live4my2 awww that's when I'm going to test I'm not sure on big o as my period has messes me about since ttc so were just gna have sex as mch as poss gl and fingerscrossed 4 u xx