@Mrssmith89. I have a question. You said you are 3weeks and 6 days due on October 19th. I am 3 weeks and 3 days according to this app.due on october 17th so your due date or your weeks along doesn't add up
I have taken 3 tests but all negative still. My next period isn't due until Feb. 8th so I'm still playing the waiting game until then. I hope I'm pregnant and I have been having lots of symptoms since January 18.l so well see
@Mrssmith89 how long after unprotected sex did you test? Were trying so I'm getting a blood test Monday which will be 7days after sex. I think that will put me at 2 or 3 weeks pregnant. I havnt had a period because I had the implanon rod taken out but a lot of ppl got pregnant without having a period at all! So I can only go by the having sex dates lol
@redchrisco was that to me? I want a boy. I already have a girl lol. Jst found out my daughters father is having a girl with his partner. THey jst had a boy 7months ago. SO jealous Haha.
Oh really! Caitlin doesn't get the whole brother sister thing cause her first brother was to her dad and his partner lol. Now she has a sister coming to. But cause there not in the same house I think its confused her. My partner and I really want a boy so here's to hoping.!!
This is my 3rd baby I didn't need a test I just knew lol I tested for the fiances sake and I'm due Sept 8 still haven't found a permanent doctor but had an ultrasound done
@mummy yep my big girl she wants a brother she keeps sayin that and I haven't told her I was prego yet lol
@photomom I did the blood test last week friday
With my first.