
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I was wondering how everyone's furry BFF has been reacting to their pregnancy and/or new borns.

My little Shiba Inu mix, Angel, has always been very protective of me. But now she even stands guard while I use the bathroom! I think she's going to be in people's faces when they get near the baby when it comes.

I just wish I could get my treeing walker coon hound, Poopers, to stop jumping on me. He's much better as I've learned to turn my back and ignore him if he does, but sometimes he just gets so excited he can't help himself. And the barking! Good lord, why did I rescue a hound? I love him dearly, but I might need to get a bark collar before I give birth.


  • I wonder too how my lil weiner dog is going to react to when we actually have the baby here, I am a little worried because he is super protective of me and also very jealous. I guess it will go one.of both ways?!? I have had him since I was 17 and always treated him as my own child lol but then I was younger and now that this is my.1st pregnancy and child I am hoping he more protective of the baby then jealous....
  • Same situation with my dog Angel. I am one of the luckiest people in the world, though, Angel calmed down as she got older. I think it helped when I got a man and she became second. She hated him so much she accidently bit me trying to get him while we were having sex one night. But she learned her place. And now she gets twice the love because he adores her.

    Good luck with your weiner dog, it's gotta be nerve wracking to hope your baby will love your baby.
  • My two dogs got very protective over me and it def showed when ud walk them and we encountered other female dog got very submissive which lead to Peeing...ick...even my cat gets clingy
  • @Jwigs from what ive read if the baby hears the dog barking from in the womb he or she is actually accostumed to it by the time they are born. just something i read in the book my dr gave me at my first prenatal
  • It's funny that I found this today. I'm 6w & 5d pregnant and have a lovely 7year old lab mix. Every day for the last week she has been going potty in the house. We have had her since she was a puppy and has been complety trained. My husband called the vet and apparently she senses a change in my body and is acting out so to speak..... Seems crazy but I guess they just know. Hopefully she gets over it quickly because we have a ways to go!!!
  • My lab-basset hound mix has gotten super protective of me. He used to jump on me whenever I got home and doesn't anymore (I did nothing). He is barking more though. I feel the hound everytime he goes on a tangent the baby kicks like crazy. Its kind of funny. He is really good with our 5 year old so I just hope he stays like this.
  • Funny subject, because our Doberman actually clued me in on my first pregnancy... he had never really paid much attention to me (or I him; not my favorite dog, lol) but when I got pregnant he followed me EVERYWHERE and would not stop staring at me! It really freaked me out until I took a test- then I had to thank him! Lol...
    This time around he didn't catch on near as fast as I did; I'm 14 weeks & knew right away, but he just started the 'staring' thing earlier this week, lol!
  • I was just talking to my.girlfriend about this today! I have a mini doxie (Odie) and he IS my first I have had him forever and he and I are inseperable (goes to the bathroom with me, mailbox..everywhere i go)...He has never acted aggressive tword anyone...but i am afraid of him being jealous of our little one we have on the suggested having my husband bring home a piece of clothing the baby has worn while we r still in the hospital to get him used to the smell...and maybe buying a crying baby doll to get him used to the sound..although none of that helps with the jealousy he will feel when there is no longer room on mommies lap for him. I guess I am just going to have to make sure I take some time with him each day...
  • @vette my female pitt did that to me to before i found out i was pregnant! Its so weird! I kept hollering at her to stop folllowing me and staring t was creeping me out! Lol guess i know why now!
  • I have 5 rescued dogs of different breeds and am getting mixed reactions. My 10yo Dalmatian is laying around a lot like he's pouting and my 5yo black Lab is following me around when my husband is gone :) I love my mutts!
  • I have 2 dogs..a girl and boy, they are my babies.<3 and can't wait for my little one to grow with them! I'm 8 weeks and i think dogs REALLY know when your prego BC my dogs always used to jump And lay on me and now they are calm and easy around me. The female actually lays her head on my belly a lot! What can we say our "best friend(s)" know us best! X ) p.s. I love all y'alls stories,and I'm not the only dog lover!
  • My first Pitt (died a year ago) was crazy while I was prego. If I even moaned in my sleep he would panic and wake my husband. Lol. He loved my son like nobodies business. I have a German shepherd female, a pitt/great Dane mix and lab/great Dane mix male named brick..not to mention 6 cats (3 used to be barn cats) and a domesticated black and white skunk. My cats constantly follow me or sit on me, Brick lays on top of me and my skunk wont have anything to do with me. He wont even take a cookie from me!
  • My two have acted no different.... but my moms dog won't leave me alone lol. She follows me and sometimes growls when the other dogs get near. She's never done that before.
    I'm not even showing yet. The cats are acting even weirder; we have 3 garage cats and they all come up to me meowing...weirrrrrd
  • My dog started to follow me every where wen I first found out. It was weird she wud sit there while I went to the bathroom nd would even poke her nose in the shower while I showerwd lol! My mom kept sayin its cuz yur havim a boy nd shes jealous! Nd now I believe her lol cuz were havin a boy! I also noticed her jealousy wen my god son was here she goes nd brings me her toys nd wants to play nd just acts weird!
  • They definitely know. My lab cross took to lying on top of me from very early on, about 4 weeks. I think they must sense the change in our hormones. He is always very loving but this lying on top of me is a new thing. Just reminds us how wonderful they are. My other dog is female and hasn't changed, wonder if is because she understands female hormone changes from her mummy so it's not so unusual for her.
  • I thought that I was crazy. I'm so glad you guys have awesome dogs, too. And that I'm not the only one who has to wait for her entourage to move if she turns around in the hallway. I'm getting tired of tripping on them, lord I love my dogs.
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