breastfeeding is NOT a reliable b/c method

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have been reading it a lot on here and its not as reliable as other birth control. It's not effective if your period has returned, your baby is 6 month or older and you don't do regular feedings.



  • breastfeeding can help but there are also other factors. You have to keep track of when you ovulate.
  • Uhm I never even heard of this.
  • Many if the breastfeeding facts I have found to be not true when breastfeeding my last baby..... all the facts are not 100%
  • No birthcontrol is 100%. If it was I wouldn't be here :)
  • breastfeeding isn't considered bc at all...
  • Obviously. Not..
    I got pregnant while bf and didn't even know I was till I got morning sickness because I had no period . And we where not trying to get pregnant I have no clue when baby was made lol..
  • @ghettobetty a lot of people still believe it works. Due to that fact we know why they had so many babies back in the day and so close together. Lol
  • I have several friends that breastfed exclusively and have two babies (not twins) born the same year. All that said I exclusively breast fed and didn't use protection at all for well over 6 months and didn't get preggers til after my first period (after 13 months of nursing).
  • @veteranswife I still think breastfeeding is good just don't feel they should say things like u lose weight u have a healthier baby and u have b/c I know for a fact not true in my case and I can not b the only one where the breastfeeding pros failed them. I am breastfeeding this one but only till I go back to work. Not near as long as I did my last baby. ;)
  • Also I had sex unprotected for almost. A year with my fiance n finally got preggo. Personally I just think sometimes u get preggo quicker then other times. Breastfeeding may not be a factor at all.
  • My midwife told me you have a higher chance of getting pregnant while breastfeeding. I have never heard that it was a birth control method.
  • @ghettobetty- I really felt like my daughter was healthier because I breast fed at least compared to my friends who bottlefed my daughter was sick ALOT less. But I didn't lose the weight nursing. :( hoping this time around is different and I drop some crazy weight while breast feeding!! : D
  • @ghettobetty I am not gonna breastfeed but I am not against who does it. I wouldn't say that my friends baby was healthier or anything more/less than mine.
    Like you said there are to many things they say and its not true.
  • edited April 2011
    @blissmarie23 glad it was true in ur case. Just was not in mine :( just saying its not 100%true and don't think they should put faulse hopes up.
  • At my breast feeding class that is what they said I never breast fed before but it was just what they said
  • I find it to be false advertising .....
  • Lol....if it was my 1 year old wouldn't be here and if that combined with taking birth control pills worked I wouldn't be pregnant now!!! I tandemed nursed which means nursing a toddler and a baby together. My girls are 2, 1 and I'm due in May! So no breastfeeding is NOT a reliable form of birth control!!!
  • My daughter wasnt breastfed and shes very healthy. I would like to try breast feeding with this baby.
  • No birth control is going to work every time. Breast feeding is not a medical method of birth control and shouldn't be used as one. People get pregnant using actual birth control pills and a depo shot, so common sense says breast feeding wouldnt work any better than these. ;-)
  • @beautiful_altar I have breastfed 5 babies for a total of 4 years 9 months and I plan on nursing this one also. Actually 4 of those months I was nursing 2 of them at the same time. Its a very rewarding expierence, its also cheaper and more convenient!!
  • I couldnt produce milk with my daughter. They told me it was from stress. Im more relaxed this pregnancy so i really hope it will work out for us.
  • I didn't use breastfeeding as a birth control. After my 2 yr old was born we were told we had less than 1% chance of getting pregnant because I have pod, endometriosis, only ovulate every 6 months and I was breastfeeding. Well when she was 7 months old we found out we were pregnant. So after my 1 yr old was born I went on bc....I'm 35 weeks pregnant now! But we are very happy!!!
  • @beautiful_altar I hope it works for you too, I pray that anyone who wants to breastfeed would be able to.
  • Im looking to breast feed too. This is my first, but ive been told that it does make the babies healthier with stronger immune systems and I could benefit from losing some weight not to mention I want to feel that bond with the babyy. :)

    @ammasmama Wow!! That 1% got you!! Well congrats. Has to be a blessing.
  • Breastfeeding is awesome
    ! but definitely not a form of birthcontrol
    ...I got pregnant 1month after I had my first son while breastfeeding :/
  • @munecalinda. Lol ya 2 times!!!! My babies that were nursed for more then 12 months have never had an ear infection! But the 2 that we had preoblems and were only nursed for 5 and 8 months have both had multiple ear infections!
  • My doctor told me since I was exclusive ly breastfeeding my my baby girl I couldn't get pregnant again. I still hadn't had a period and she was 13 months old (she had a stomach and throat condition where she could bit swallow regular food or digest formula) and my husband was stopped to be sterile. I'm not 15 almost 16 weeks pregnant with baby number two. The breastfeeding method iss only life 97% effective, you have to do it note than every six hours day and night, and before your period returns.
  • @Munecalinda I never breast feed any of mine but I was told with my first that mommy or daddy still can get the bond by putting the baby on the chest while feeding.
  • I heard that as an alternate if I opted not to. Its just a plus, but I also want to do everything possible for the baby to be as healthy as can be and I want to reap the benefit of possibly shedding some lbs after this pregnancy lol. I would like to at least try breast feeding even if it doesnt work out. :p
  • They usually say bf works for bc for the first 6m bcuz it supposed to stop ur period from coming back for that time... I guess it works for some but not all bcuz we r all different... I excusively breastfeed n got pregnant when my daughter was 9m... n my daughter doesn't get sick as often
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