breastfeeding is NOT a reliable b/c method



  • edited April 2011
    For the mommas who breast fed...did you do that exclusively? For how long? When did you get ur period? Or did you get preggers again before you had ur period?

    I'm curious because I don't know how I would ovulate more than once without having my period?
  • I also lost 30 of the 40lbs I gained in the 6wks idk if that's from bf or that how it supposed to work but I hope it happens again ;-)
  • edited April 2011
    I breast fed exclusively and I don't think I even had a period yet I said it was 1 month after I had my son. All the sudden my milk started drying up and I was spotting. And dammed if I wasn't pregnant again.

    Also my third son I breastfed for 14 months he never once had a bottle in his mouth!
    I think everyone should at least try it but breastfeeding isn't for everyone.
  • @munecalinda and it is your right to choose what you are most comfortable with and what you wanna do. my friend strictly breast feeds her children like you said she likes the bond and thinks its easier because you don't have to worry about a bottle and formula
  • @blissmarie23 I exclusively breastfed all mine for the first 6 months and then started adding baby food.....but I got my period at 6 weeks with everyone!!!
  • @blissmarie23 I breastfed exclusively for 13 months, lost all my baby weight by 4 months after, and continued to lose more than that, I went from 130 (9 months pregnant) to 115 (4m months after birth) to 105, then I got pregnant again lol. I'm also only 5'1 so I look huge at 130
  • I breast fed my son exclusively for the first 6 months and then continued on til he was 2 1/2. He only recently got an ear infection ( he is 8 ) and I dropped my pregnancy weight gain in about 3 months. I am also naturally skinny and have a high metabolism, do I am sure that was a factor. A lot of people think breastfeeding should be easy seeming it is one of the most natural things ever, but I had to talk to a lactation consultant several times before I was truly confident. So if anyone wants to try it and you are truly commited to it, just remember to keep trying and that there are people to through it.
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