baby shower?

edited January 2011 in Third Trimester
First off I would like to state that I believe baby showers are a wonderful thing! Babies are cause for celebration and I believe all mothers deserve the most support when a baby is coming into this world. If seen as acceptable I would enjoy baby showers for every child not just a mothers 1st. Most aren't comfortable with this so I end up having a small get 2gether with the closest friends & celebrate the mother2b that way. Anyways my question is about my sister. She is due march 25 and hasn't been the most excited about her 1st pregnancy. She didn't formally tell every1 that feels they should have been told that she is pregnant. Right or wrong I don't really have an opinion. But as she is getting further along she is getting more & more comfortable w/the whole thing& at times even excited. The problem is that I am about to begin planning a baby shower for her & have been told by more than 1 person that she or I can't expect people to bring her gifts when she hasn't even thought enough of these people 2 formally tell them she is pregnant. I say screw those people... if they can't put that aside & come celebrate a life about to come into the world I/don't want them there anyways. What do u think? How should I approach these people as I send out invites?


  • Just send the invites out. They need to get over themselves and be happy for her.
    Maybe there was a reason she didn't want to tell everyone and their mom. So just throw her one and make her feel special even if no one else will
  • I would also send the invites out as planned and ignore anyone being petty like that. How immature. They must be really insecure people!
  • With any party one can not simply expect gifts. If you are only having a shower (or any other event) to get gifts maybe you should not be having one. If guests do not want to (or are able to) bring a gift would you want them there any less? With that said most people will bring something for the mom 2 be or baby. I think you invite who you want there and if they want to come they will. With no expectations of gifts, we are taking about friends and family members not piggy banks.
  • I don't really expect gifts. I think the people that are saying those things just consider it a must when invited to such party. I just want people surrounding her that support her. I can't decide if it would be worse to have people you would love and expect to be there not show up or if someone didn't throw a shower for you at all. I don't want to make her depressed... or discouraged.
  • Would it help if I somehow made the invites an announcement of her pregnancy and an invite to join us in getting 2gether to celebrate. No info on where she may be register but instead put contact info & those who would like to get her something could call & ask where she is registered??
  • Rmzawada makes a great point! If they want to bring a gift they can ask where your sister is.registered. I honesty only want my baby shower so I can eat lol
  • edited January 2011
    I'm due march 23 rd with my first as well ! And I can definatly relate. It took me awhile to get it out there because I felt akward telling people. I had my mom tell her family for me . No one that I know of has acted that way towards me and some of them didn't find out until I was about 7 months. I felt bad but I had my reasons and I don't feel like people should judge. Esp since your first pregnancy can be really scary and Idk how old your sister is but I'm 19 and not married so for me that factored into it. I felt it would be unwelcome to my very catholic family. I'm sure they will get over it. I would invite them unless they are being overly negative or might say something rude to your sister. Even if they don't bring gifts I'm sure your sister will appreciate their support :)
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