shouldnt I be showing ??? (anyone 2nd or on)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So, I thought they said you show sooner when your pregnant w/your second or 3rd and so on..
I've seen women on here showing and the only 12wks..14wks..etc.
I'm 17 wk tmrw and not showing ..I feel like the baby isn't growing. This is my second.????


  • How far along r you?
  • @Stevkam0911 ...I was editing 17wks tmrw
  • I'm 10w 3d...I think I'm more bloated than actually showing
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  • Im on my second and started showing around 20 weeks
  • I am on my second and on almost to my twenty wks and not showing
  • @FirstTimeMommy..yes last wk it was low it was 130..idk if she was resting cus the last time it was 175
    @Beautiful_Altar..hmmm ok...I hope I start showing around then..have you felt ur bby move? I haven't
    @sands3...I was only bloated for a little bit.
  • I started feeling him at 13 weeks. Now im 32 weeks and hes very active. My daughter wasnt as active.
  • I'm scared of my babys hb too.. she's always 160 or over highest 170.. last week it was 140 and I could bearly hear it :\ she said it was fine though
  • oh also I'm 21 wks and huge! This is my 2nd baby I started showing around 13wks and the belly keeps growing. Everyones different.
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  • edited April 2011
    Thanks ladies :) made me feel better
    @isaiahnjocelynsmommy <-- your names long! Thanks
    @lily_glz..yea the dr didnt say anything so i guess thats good..if it were bad they would tell us something
    @blessed1508 i guess its a good thing were not showing..
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  • This is my first but only started to show at 23 weeks, in 28 weeks and looks as im 23 weeks along now. As long as ur baby is fine got to look at the bright side less weight to lose
  • I'm on my 5th & couldn't fit into my regular pants starting @ 8wks! & now @ 17 wks, I'm even bigger than a coworker who is 3-4 months farther along!
  • Im 14 wks and i just have a lil pudge but at least i can delay spending $$$ on maternity clothes for now...
  • @wiseccort..yes less weight to lose..I gain 60 w/my son and had a hard time for weight coming off
    @jchovey18..see..thought I should be bigger by now..but my pants that's were to tight on me are now all lose..
    @kyfriedmommy..yes they are expensive ..if I get really big ill be buying used on craigslist ..but since im pregnant all summer I can just wear dresses and be n the pool
  • This is my 6th and with the first 5 I showed at 2 months, with this one I didn't show til 5 months, it was really weird.
  • you weigh more or less pre weight w/ this one..then your others? Or doing anything different ..or a different gender?
  • edited April 2011
    @beatrice1436 I weigh more than my first 3, but the same as my last 2. They are 2 and 1. I haven't changed a thing, I just think she layed differently like toward my back or something.
  • @ammasmama..maybe that could be it ..i weight more w/ this one..and not as active as i was i thought i would be a little bit bigger..
  • Every pregnancy is different. With my boys I gained 17 lbs and lost 14 when I had them. My 3rd I gained 63 and lost 10 she weighed 9 wth? With my 4th I only gained 8 lbs, with my 5th I gained 30, but 15 was due to water retention. So far with this one I have gained 22, but have lost about 5 in the last 2 weeks. I carried low with my boys and high with my girls!
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