ugh... NEGATIVE :(

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I took 2 preg test both say neg.
Gt em 4 $1 at store lolx
n i just took them
Im 3 days late goin on 4
Wat could be the prob?
Wat shud i do?
wat does anyone suggest?
how long befor some of u found out?


  • do first morning urine. and i didn test positive till after my second missed period
  • Blood test hun. Or do morning urine..
  • My urine never tested positive, I had to test my blood. Im on week 6.
  • Rissalee7 thanks that was reassuring :) and okay also someone told me to try better test.... n that sumtymes it takes ppl lnhr to show up
  • Ok thanksd... im gonna try to make it to tha doc. Bt first get bettr preg test
  • edited February 2011
    First Response is the BEST at home pregnancy test :) try that or as others have said, blood test!
  • Ok i will get first response =((
  • im pretty sure any hpt will pick up hcg the only reason i say that is cuz i got mine at the dollar tree and it worked the clear blue i took two weeks prior to that came back negative
  • I read up all about tests cause I wanna test already Haha. Most tests will only tell you 19 days after conception, so that's like 4or so weeks pregnant.. better ones will tell you a lot sooner. But blood is the best way. Good luck
  • Id say wait 2 more days and do first mornings urine. Use first response early detection or clearblue digital, the dollar ones can be misleading. If still negative, go to the doctor and insist on a blood test!
  • Remember, faint positive is still positive if its in the time frame on the directions! Clearblue digital is in words.
  • Awww thnx guys
  • And good luck :) hope you get a positive result!! :)
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