found out today i lost my baby

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
This is my second miscarriage in 6 months.idk what's wrong yet but I can't carry anything past 12 might be my tilted uterous or something else if anyone has any clue what it might be please let me know.going to the hospital Friday to double check but he said it doesn't look good.


  • I'm so sorry!!
  • Ohh im so sorry hun :(
  • oh gosh im so sorry!!!
  • I am sorry hun I was so wishing you luck. You might go to a high risk doctor
  • Im sorryy to hear happend to me...but dont give up i lost both of mine by 7 weeks n now im 5 mnths next week...god has a plan for all of us, and i hope u have a bundle on its wayy soon, a sticky one...stay positive hun...
  • Im so sorry to hear that i hope they can out wat it is...
  • Im so sorry hun. I'll keep you in my prayers. Just know this is not the end for you, you will get pregnant again and everything will be fine. Keep your head up hun.
  • Sorry friend! Dont loose hope. God has a plan for you!
  • I'm so sorry that this makes me want to cry for you. Have you had your progesterone levels checked? My sister had the same kind of experiance it turned out that her progesterone levels were so low that she couldn't carry a baby past 12 weeks. When she got pregnant the third time, she had to take progesterone in order to keep her pregnancy. It is something to check.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  • I'm sorry :(
  • No I haven't had my progesterone check but I will look into that.he said the baby looked small and that it look like there was a tear in the placenta.I go in Friday to get another ultrasound and figure it out then

  • Do hope everything works out. Stay strong
  • Sorry for you loss.
  • Sorry dear!!
  • Sorry hunn dont let this bring ur hopes down! Allow yourself time n get checked out n find the cause
  • Am so sorry just dont lose hope and keeo going everything is gonna be ok
  • I have had 4 miscarraiges, and finally when I was pregnant with #9 they decided to do a thrombolia profile, turns out I have 4 different blood clotting issues and most of them contribute to miscarraige. I now take baby aspirin and a combination of folbic acid, b6, and b12. Ask to have that test done its just a blood test! I am lucky though I am pregnant with baby # 6 now, so don't get discouraged!
  • @ammasmama I had to take those things to but they jus said it was to get my levels up and the new dr said not to worry about taking them anymore. weird :/
  • what kind of blood disorder do u have? my sister has factor 5 and its caused her 4 miscarriages also. but they tested and I didnt have it..
  • So sorry to hear this hope everything works out for you
  • Sorry abour your lost
  • I have....
    Prothrombin 20210A
    MTHFR 677 & 1298A
    PIA-1 risk factor for fetal loss, IUGR, preclampsia, and preterm delivery
    FactorXIII increase risk of early pregnancy loss

    And the test I had done is called a thrombophillia dna assay

    I hope that helps.
  • um u lost me. lol! do u have to take stronger blood thinner and stuff? my sister had to take shots during pregnancy. she has to go to the dr every week to check her blood (even when she isnt pregnant).. im not sure what the test was called, the dr knew my sister so she wanted to check me for it.
  • :( im so sorry.... I hope the dr can figure out the root of the problem quick
  • i found owt i lost twins at 12wk 4days last wed, they still dont know the cause! i know what ur going thru, stay strong x
  • I'm sorry, no no shots I just have to take folbix and baby aspirin pregnant or not. I also had a mini stroke when I was 25, whish was probably caused by this clotting disorder. So I'm really glad they found it, even though all this happened before we found out, I might avoid having another one now that we know!
  • I'm sorry for ur loss
  • Am sry for ur lass. Keep ur head uP. N good luck
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