NO FISH! Fish Oil....

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I keep seeing all these tips in apps saying eat oily fish. Fact it fish from most anywhere is very polluted and most has mercury in it.
Unless you have a fresh caugh fresh source I've heard to avoid all fish
if you want to get omega 3 from fish get fish oil capsules from any pharmacy department


  • My prenatals came with a bottle of fish oil.
  • The ones im taking says it has no fish oil..and i thought i was supposed to but the dr gave them to me so i didnt think of anything
  • I need some fish oil

    Fish oil is good for pregnanc

    But eating fish actual fish meat is not a good idea. Not tuna. Not sardines. Salmon or anything
  • My doc said I could eat fish once in a while. BUT NOT THE SKIN.
  • My doctor said 6oz of fish a week is safe.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
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