Really Depressed about gender
Okay, so I went for my ultrasound yesterday at 15weeks 4days, and the baby had it's legs crossed so we couldn't really tell with certainty what the sex was.. the ultrasound lady said she was 80% positive it was a girl, but said that if it was a girl that the labia was EXTREMELY swollen, so it could very well be a penis. Anyways, we have to go back monday to be sure. I honestly am okay either way with what it is, and I thought my husband felt the same way, but as we are leaving the place in the parking lot he said "you know I never realized how much I wanted a boy until we were in that room and she said she thought it was a girl" This upset me GREATLY. I somehow feel like I have dissapointed my husband if it really is a girl. I guess because we really feel like it is a boy, it was just a shock for her to say she thought a girl. It is more upsetting because we also both agreed that regardless of the sex that we would NOT have anymore children (I already have a girl 15 months) Anyone go through anything similar on this? or have any advice? It is still a chance it's a boy, but she said by the "nub theory" that it looked like a girl.