So my husband has a hard time getting excited about me so lately he's been watching porn what should I do to make him forget the bump for like an hour?
Dirty talk or text messages...or come to bed naked smelling Sweet...or (tmi) start masterbating in front of him...that worked for me with my first pregnancy
Confidence is key when it comes to turning your guy on! If he can't get past the belly.wear something tht flaunts your boobs (which thanks to pregnancy are huge) if tht does not work suggest tryin a new position in which he won't be looking @ your belly.
Work it girl. Guys want you to come on to them. So do what makes you feel sexy, whether it be a pair of heels, or just coming out of the shower in a towel, then pounce. He won't be thinking about your bump! least not your baby bump lol