has this happened to anyone?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Just left the dr and they said im measuring almost 4 weeks more than im suppost to be also when they did my ultrasound last month! So instead of 29 id be almost 33! Im excited about this but she wont change my dd till 3 weeks when I go again and they check then.


  • I hope im measuring 4 weeks early when I go.. Im jealous. I wanna be done!
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  • I always measure big but do not rush the date just BC of size. Baby may be measuring 33 but only has the functions of 29wks. I seen this a lot when I was working in OB/GYN practices
  • I measured 34 weeks at 32
  • I am 34 weeks and my dr said i am measuring small. I have an ultrasound on April 26.
  • I'm 28 weeks and i am measuring 31
  • @singlemomofsoontobe3 well she said it might just be the baby getting to big I dont think im wrong on the day but she said she measured big on the US too.. Could thus cause them to want to take the bb early I had this happen to a family member she always had her kids natural till her last one and they told her the baby was to big and made her have a c section and they wernt even vlise to how big they thought she was. I have natural labors too I want to try to avoid a csection.
  • @kcantu2 they didnt tell u it was the wrong dd or maybe the bb is too big?
  • @uncaffeinated_katie well I measured a little big in last US too but maybe I just got my last period wrong or the bb is a big one. I had the iud taken out in aug so I bleed for quite awhile after that maybe wat I thought was my cycle in sept really was still spotting from iud removal which would put me 4 weeks ahead idk.
  • I would let him/her come at its own pace we know our bodies so I'm sure you are Pretty close to certain about when you got pregnant. Go with that. They also told me with my oldest she was going to be a 10+lb baby if I left her in...she was 9 days late and only weighed 7 12
  • @most_blessed they really just said that he was big, and they would keep an eye on his weight :/ but over 5lbs at 32 weeks is crazy
  • @kcantu2 ya that seems big and my thing is they made my sister in law have a csection after all her other kids were natural and 2 weeks early cause they said the bb was to big for natural childbirth and then the bb was only 8lbs they estimated the bb at 10lbs and she was pissed.i have my kids natural to and I dont want them to tell me I have to have csection if its not needed!
  • U can kuz be big in size don't mean ur do date change cuz if u was futher along u would of. Notice n sonograms n sonogram lady would of told u n them
  • @singlemomofsoontobe3 thanks and I want to say ya I know my body been pregnant 3times before but I got my iud taken out in aug. And bleed really crazy for a long time even throughtout sept. A few times had to go to the er cause it was so bad I thought I got pregnant in oct but maybe it was sept when I was going through all that idk now. Also they didnt give my SIL a choice on taking her bb early just cause of size.
  • Mine measured big in u/s not belly measurements so im sure its close
  • @babyluv_3 well I always meaured correctly till now but it did show up on my last ultrasound but she disnt tell me she just gave the ultrasound report to my dr and my dr told me today also when she measured my uterus today it was big but she thinks its just the baby being big.
  • Well either way be careful....good luck and congratulations! >:D<
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