edited April 2011 in Teen moms
Having the hardest time breathing its making my chest hurt really bad. I keep loosing my breath so I freak out trying to push out a breath. What can I do to help. I'm 28 weeks and she is sitting pretty low so idk why its hard to breath.


  • I have been having the same thing the last few nights. To me it seems like I am just having anxiety though. Because it feels like I can't breath but I can obviously or I would of been SOL by now. I would go to your doctor to make sure its not nothing serious, it could just be stress. Xoxo
  • Same hun, it triggers my asthma making me cough, then coughing fits turn into vomiting/urinating! Lol tmi! It's normal the y say to have shortness of breath @ this stage. I've been using my inhaler alot more.
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  • that happened 2 me b4...but i wasnt pregnant...i was so scared i ended going 2 the ER...only 2 have the doc tell me, after xrays, that it was anxiety! "/ anxiety is my worst enemy! but ask ur doc neways...dont panic when u cant breath...just take it slow & deep...try 2 focus ur mind on something else...i would do that & 4get that i couldnt even breath & it always worked...
  • My doctors say everything is normal so I rather ask on here then ask them. I have tried everything it seems but nothing makes it better. Idk what else to do. And I hate going to the er cause they send me home and say everything is fine.
  • To be on the safe side; make sure it isn't a blood clot. Best wishes!
  • I have a real hard time catching my breath too. My doctor out on a pro air inhaler. It seemed to work.
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