
edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 37 weeks two days, one cm dilated cervix is soft and baby has dropped how long do u think I have? I'm so exhausted.....will wine bring on labor?


  • I'm 37 weeks too never heard of wine being an option. But I would b careful with it what if it messes with ur epidural. If ur going to get one.
  • Do u think I still have a while or soon?:)
  • Has ur mucus plug came out yet have I been having pressure down there
  • Umm Idk I haven't seen anything.... but then again I don't pay attention..Idk
  • not really sure. its just the waiting game now. I would try walking, sex, spicey food, scary movies. I'm trying to jump start labor too but nothing has worked so far good luck ;;)
  • @mommyy2be is right! Lots and lots of sex! =D but don't rush it, enjoy the last few days of this kicks and just the feeling of having ur lil love inside ur belly! I missed it once my son was born! Try walking and just relax! But you do sound like ur having ur baby soon! =) lucky! ;)
  • I hope so..I want her here already...I have lots of stabing pains in my lower back and a lot of braxton hicks and tons of pressure down there lol...I hope she's here before I'm 40 weeks
  • Try squats every 30 minutes. That is what they had me do at the hospital when i was in labor with my now 2 year old.
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  • Well my due date IS only a week and a half away and ive been one cm.for the past two weeks...but my cervix was only starting to soften...and when I got checked this past week I was still one but cervix was completely soft and baby has I hope she's here before 40 weeks...does spicy food really work?
  • Having sex will definetly make the contractions start, and maybe if you go to the hospital and the contractions continue they'll just induce you seeing that its about that time n e way
  • Walking always did the trick for me....but sex is good too...
  • I have been dialated close to 4 last week and still nothing besides mild contractions and my due date is in 9 days. With my first I seen my doctor 2 days before I was due and he didn't think I would go into labor and than boom my due date arrived and I am in the hospital delivering my first baby.
  • Does anyone believe in the whole full moon deal? My cousins thinks I will have the baby on Monday since its a full moon:)...
  • @seli234 what's the whole full moon deal?
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