maybe tmi...but wondering if it's normal

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so I'm 34 weeks going on 35 weeks..and for the last 3 to 4 weeks I've been having a really light yellow/white Dr says it's just a hormonal thing but I'm worried it's more than that...what do you ladies think? Have any of you experienced this?


  • Well.... I have always had a little discharge. It recently got a little more yellow... they told me a similar thing, so I'm guessing they know what they are talking about? I'm 33 weeks.
  • I am 34 weeks+4 and have the same thing. Doctor says its normal.
  • Okay thanks you guys...I'm not so worried now :) I wish it would just go away though it's kinda icky...but only less than 6 weeks left I think I can tough it out til then...thanks again!!
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