Found out the sex at 15wks 6days!

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Im 25 pregnant with my 4th. I already have a 5 yr old daughter, a 3 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old son. I thought I was done with kids since 3 is more than enough but I still felt like I was missing something.this pregnancywasnt planned at all but once I found out I was pregnant I couldnt help but want a buddy for my son. Dr isnt gonna give me an u/s untill im 20 weeks but I couldnt wait that long so I cheated and went elsewhere for my u/s and found out at 15 wks 6 days that im having a boy! Im so happy and feel like I have the perfect family. Thiswill be my last one and finally feel complete.


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