How many people have had negative pregnancy test results that turned positive?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I took a test last night that came out negative and today I noticed it had a very faint positive line....who has had this happen and ended up being pregnant??? By the way, it doesn't look like an evaporation was not colorless. I'm planning on taking another test on saturday the 5th. Thats when my period is due.


  • I have! I went to a rydc and they give pregnancy test mines came back negative and I was on some kind of medication then when they shipped me off they gave me another pregnancy test and it came back positive but the meds I was taking I wasn't suspose to be taking them while I was pregnant so a couple of weeks later I miscarried. But I would go to the clinic and get blood drawn for a much more accurate answer:)
  • If you get ANY line it almost always means positive, mine was so light I thought I was making it up in my head and stared at it all day till my head was spinning, you can only get that extra line to show up if you have any of the pregnancy hormone in your system, my doc said it was light because it was early, sure enough a couple of days later it showed up bright and clear as day! Every two days the amount of the pregnant hormone doubles so it should get brighter, good luck! :)
  • Happened to me. I took 2 test. Later showed pregnant. Well I'm 5weeks now, so its real and it happens
  • I just want to make sure you girls know that I'm talking about the same test. I took one last night that was negative and in the morning the same test was sitting on the counter but now it had a very faint positive line. Obviously it had been way past the time that they say you should read the I don't know.
  • My boss just had the same thing happen, she took the test the night before and threw it in the trash and looked at it the next day and it said positive with the line and she'd like7 weeks so I'd say its totally possible, I got what you were saying though :)
  • The chances of a false positive the next day are very very very unlikely so I would test again tomorrow morning and it will probably tell you positive the first time!
  • I had n i was pregnant its was very light but i was 4mnth also i think its cuz my level r low cuz its like that everythimg i ever tested with all 3 pregnancy i have endometerios so thats y i cant count on miss periods lol
  • It got what u r saying.... same test next day had faint positive.
  • Ok thanks girls...
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