Flu Shot?

edited April 2011 in Health
So my bf has "real influenza" according to the Dr. (Compared to having "fake influenza"?? I have no idea.) But he recommended that I go get a flu shot...I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow and I'm just wondering if any of you have gotten a flu shot while pregnant...? I don't go see my Dr until tomorrow and I've tried calling and they haven't answered. (Reliable, right?) My bf is practically making me go today, I just am paranoid because the Dr said he doesn't see why it would be a problem? I need a definite answer here. Yes, its safe. Or no, it could be dangerous. Sorry, I started ranting but its freaking me out.


  • Definitely safe. My ob gave me mine.
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  • I didnt get one. They contain mercury and a bunch of other crap. Plus they dont fight off every strain of flu.
  • I've been told that it is safe and I was recommended to get it but I've always had a negative response to the flu shot. I don't just Kinda get there flu from it u get get it full on and sick for at least two weeks and usually end up getting it again. So I'm personally not getting it. Have you ever had it before you were pregnant? do you know how you react to it?
  • I didn't get one either.. My ob recommended it, but I still didn't get it. I work for a Dr. (not a ob), and he has 6 kids of his own. He said he would NOT let his wife get the flu shot. So many mixed opinions..
  • Where I was going they recommended it at your first appointment to all pregnant women because it also blocks h1n1I got mine in January and I haven't been sick once (knock on wood) because if u get sick u can't take any meds hardly....safe
  • @Smcox I have gotten them before and been fine.

    Maybe I'll just wait until I go the doctor. He's been sick for three days now, so I kinda feel like if I was going to get the flu, I would have already gotten it? Even if I'm not sick yet, I think I would already have the germ, right?
  • edited April 2011
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  • I have never had one, never had the flu. If you don't know how you'll react don't do it. Just constantlywash ur hands, make ur hubby do the same. Youtube h1n1 flu shot side effects its creppy.
  • Im in the military and they made me get one. It was a regular one just like everyone else was gettin. I never got sick and there wasnt anything wrong with my baby either :)
  • edited April 2011
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  • My work actually requires flu shots because I work in a huge hospital. To weigh pros and cons, most docs say the flu shot is perfectly safe during pregnancy. Think if you actually catch the flu from your bf. Pregnancy puts you into one of the high risk groups to catch influenza along with elderly and immuno-compromised people. If you get the flu and do get bad pneumonia, the drugs you may end up being on to get better pose more risk to the baby than the vaccine. The vaccine isn't 100%, but to me, risking getting very sick isn't worth it. Be safe.
  • I got one and have not gotten sick! Even when everyone around me was coughing n sneezing all over me! 37 weeks now :)
  • I got the flu shot and didn't even know I was pregnant. Doc said its fine. He was going to sugguest I take it anyway.
  • My oldest was sick a few weeks ago, they tested her for influenza because they were worried about me getting it. I told the doc that we had gotten our flu shots back in Oct, before I was pregnant. She told me that this years vaccine didn't cover the strain that they had been seeing people com down with, so if my daughter had it they were going to start me on anti virals. I know the glue shit is safe during pregnancy, but I would think that if u were already exposed the vaccine wouldn't do u much good.
  • I did not get one with either pregnancy. I got the flu with my first and they gave me tamaflu (sp) which is a medication that also protects against the flu. I personally would wait and talk to u ob since ur appt is so close bc if u already have been exposed to the flu and are in the incubation period im not so sure the flu shot would matter at that pt. The tamaflu treats the flu and protects against it
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  • It is all a matter of personal opinion. All growing up we were never allowed to get the flu shot since my grandmas sister got it& then died (she had an allergy to it). Back in August 2009 I got really sick. Thought it was a nasty cold. After a week of feeling more sick every day, getting really weak I decided to go to the doctor. I was 35wks pregnant. They did x-rays of my lungs, showed they were completely white; meaning I had pneumonia BAD. They sent me directly to the ER. From there I was given every test imaginable along with blood since I am so anemic. My labs came back I got H1N1. They sent me by air-evac to another hospital since their maternity was across the street, they didn't want to risk anything. I got to the next hospital where I was in a lot of pain in my right side. After arguing with the nurse, I finally got another nurse to come in to check me. I was 7cm dilated. The first nurse insisted I wasn't in labor. I was hooked up to more blood, given more tests, then finally they come in to say they can't prolong things any longer; I needed to have the baby now. I said I was just checked, I'm 7cm, so it'll be soon. They said no, emergency c-section NOW! So they had me sign papers, wheel me into the OR, sedate me, intubate me, then delivered my daughter. I didn't get to hear her first cry or see her until she was 9wks old. I was in ICU for 3.5wks, they said all my family could do was pray because I was going to die. My husband said that answer wasn't good enough, so he got on his cell looking up anything he could find. Later that day they finally got convinced from him yelling 'if you can't fix her, find someone who can!' They called in Mayo Clinic. They came with a full surgical team, hooked me up to all their own machines, performed surgery in my ICU room to hook me up to ECMO, then brought me to their hospital. It was discovered I got Lupus somehow from the transfusions, I had already blown out my lungs from an ossilatory respirator so I had 2 chest tubes in before Mayo got me, but they weren't draining enough. Mayo put in 2 more. They also put in a filter to block future clots from going to my heart&lungs. A trach. Feeding tube surgically implanted into my tummy. A pigtail chest tube. A wound vac for my c-section (from my lungs bursting, all the extra air, fluid, blood made my incision burst open) so the wound vac helped heal it from the inside out. I lost all use of my body, I couldn't even lift my head or move my fingers. After a month I was able to move my thumbs to text again. I was in physical therapy for 3wks. Then when I finally came home I was still on oxygen, using a walker, getting in home physical therapy. I still have nerve pain from where the chest tubes were, my left leg/foot has nerve damage, I have to sleep with oxygen, I have to take blood thinners for life due to Lupus, protein s deficiency, plus to make sure my filter doesn't get clogged.I have a brace I have to wear with shoes since my foot/leg is damaged, the Lupus causes me to be hot all the time, I am always swollen/sore from it as well. I basically have no immune system (Lupus suppresses your immune system) so I get sick extremely easy. Ironically, being pregnant has lessened my pain from the Lupus, but before I got pregnant, I was in a remission stage. Doctor said had it of been during a flare up, baby would've been miscarried. I haven't gotten a flu shot though, my OB said since I do have Lupus he is afraid it would have a reverse take on me, causing me to get sick& not being able to fight it off sufficiently. Either way, talk to your doctor, voice your concerns, how you feel&for pros/cons. Obviously mine is a very extreme case, but I have known people who are in bed for a couple days&are fine. My best of luck goes to you.
  • Flu shots aren't highly recommended by all doctors. Some are for it and some are against it. I would talk to your doctor and go from there.
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