due sept 20th, i want a buddy :)

edited April 2011 in September 2011
Just want to have some ladies to share all of this exciting stuff with as we go thru it around the same time :)


  • I am due September 16th:) Do you know what your having yet? I don't find out until May3rd :-( But since i want a girl soo bad, i am just going to act like it is until the doctor tell me it's not!! lmao
  • I'm due Sept 15th...were are you from? I'm from Virginia. I don't know what I am having yet, find out April 27th can't wait.:)
  • Lol that's what i did till they told me it was a girl!! I live in charlotte nc I'm 26 and I got lucky and found out at 12 weeks and again at 16 its a girl!! I go back on the 21 let's hope nothing changes haha!! Are you ladies feeling movements yet?? Ive felt flutters for prob 4 weeks now but no kicks yet
  • I'm due on the 21st and don't find out the sex for another. 2weeks. All the " home " tests say a girl tho! I have already started feeling movements and already got a baby bump going on..I'm from NY btw..
  • What part of NY? I'm originally from outside of albany
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  • Hi :) I'm due Sept 24th, were close :)
  • edited April 2011
    Im due the 22nd of September ..but havent really felt anything ..and its a girl..i live in vegas. Congrats:)
  • Im due september 20th and live in charlotte nc and am expecting a little lady!
  • im due 9-21-11
    find out the gender nxt wk ***finally***
    1st timer here, andd recently i hav felt kicks, surprisingly..not often tho
  • Sep 24 for me and I find out on May 5, can't wait so excited! :)
  • I have just started to.feel kicks...my lil one is pretty active :) anyone having any weird cravings yet?
  • @kenzie0713 I live outside of Syracuse..
    @amberlynn83 that's to funny...u have my name and I'm assuming 83 is ur birth year..mine as well..lol..no weird cravings but I have craved everything im not supposed to have..lol
  • @tattdup_knockdup I live in charlotte 2!
  • @new_mommy9_21 I find out the sex of my baby next week too, I go in Tuesday:) I feel my baby kick off and on too. Some days it scares me cause I don't feel baby at all. Some days I feel alot of movement. Gosh I cant believe I am almost 20 weeks already. I love my first pregnancy!! Let me know what your having, sounds exciting!
  • Im due 9.21.11 &n find out wat were hvn Saturday I cnt wait til tha doctor tell me its a GIRL 1st timer &n frm Cali
  • @new_mommy9_21 wat do yhue wnt to hve &n where are yhue frm?

    I hve strtd to feel kicks as well thts wen it hits me tht im really hvn a bby I luv every bit of it too Couldnt ask for anythng btr :X
  • I'm due Sept 23 :-) I was the 27th but had a scan on tues an they changed my date! Stil dunno what I'm having or if I want to know or if I want the surprise!!
  • @prettyprincess01 I couldn't help myself I had to know! But I think the suprise would be fun!
  • edited April 2011
    @crazy23 omg we r so much alike lol. i hate it wen i go all day & dnt feel anything! it often scares me bcuz so many ppl around losing their bbys sooo im cautious & alwayz concerned!! i wud go lay dwn andd press my stomach here and there until i feel sumthn.:p i go tues morn as well im gona tell ya wat it is.. andd im onlyy 17 wks as of ystrday. L-)
  • Congrats! I'm due sept. 24, I get to find out what i'm having the 25th of this month and i'm so excited even though I don't care what i'm having, i'm just happy either way
  • edited April 2011
    i dnt hav a preference.. kinda wana grl then days later i wana boy lol sooo i guess i just wana knw which is n there, as long as we're healthy im happy!
    im dwn in tha "durrty" (mississippi!!) lol
    i love d little kicks.. they r so precious! heard its horrible wen they bcome stronger.. any way they cme ima b happy to knw we r still alive n there :X
  • @areaume83: its a small world...I can only ear fruit and salad but that will probably change soon. Is this everyones first? This is my 3rd and final...lol
  • This is my 3rd and last! I was supposed to be done at 2..lol..I have a boy and girl already.. how about u?
  • I have a boy and girl already too...I have a big feeling this is another girl....I find out on the 27th..do you know yet?
  • I don't find out til the 26th..I think mine is a girl as well...and the dangler theory says a girl as well..my youngest is a girl so I could def save money if it is another girl.. have u picked out any names yet?
  • Ur baby is due 1day befor my birthday
  • Im due sep 22 and don't find out tell may 18 : (
  • Due September 20th :D
  • @kenzie0713 I am also due on 9/20/11! :) super excited and ready to find out if we r having a boy or girl on the 21st! I am 28 and from TN! This is my second baby, this one is due 13 days b4 my daughters' 9th birthday so its been a long time for me! Lol I've been feeling the baby move for a couple of weeks now and I am just loving it! :)
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