positive stories after a mc??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I had a MC back in June. Now I'm 6 weeks prego today. I don't see the Dr till Feb 17th for my first appointment. And I keep thinking about MC. Before back in June I remember being sick 24/7 like my body knew something wasn't right. And now like my body feels great so far. Just super tired and sore boobs! Anyone go through a MC then have a good pregnancy? I know everyone is different but on top of all my thoughts of being prego with my ex is having another mc. :/ positive stories anyone?


  • Well lady i was 18 weeks when i mc last march. Right now im 13 weeks today, you just have to think positive and think of the good things. I know im worried and scared too, but my Dr says everythimgs good. Just think positive sweetie.
  • I was supposed to be 11 weeks along with mine, baby only grew to 7 weeks. I got pregnant 7 months later and im now 22 weeks along with a healthy baby girl!! Stay positive! And stress free!
  • I got pregnant 7 months after mine too! I just don't want to get excited about being prego then lose it. Idkk this is so stressful! Thank you!
  • MC @ 4weeks 3 days... 3 months later I got pregnant again and am now 23 wks with a health little girl
  • I miscarried on July 18, 2011.....found out i was 6 weeks pregnant Sept 27 :) now im 24 weeks pregnant with a little girl. I have also read that after a mc you are most likely to carry a full term baby right after
  • Thanks! That makes me feel a little better! I know I just gotta stay positive.
  • I got pregos in november and had a mc on dec. And now im 6 weeks.
  • Well I had 3 previous mc and the farthest I was 6-8 weeks and my last mc was in july and now I'm 15weeks prego with a growing baby...just stay postive and bed rest a lot!!
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