Tired of all these fake people



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  • Im sorry Kaleesmommy im sorry that she lied to u. Im juz glad u found out that it was a lie so I don't have to read any of her post. Anyways God bless u all the good mommas on her! :)
  • @kayleesmommy.....you said she contacted you by texting you? Has she texted anything to you since you found out?
  • She has texted me a few times saying her brother got hold of her phone and sent me that picture while her and her husband were visiting their daughter, be in mind this was an hour after the c section....not likely true. And I was researching the chances of survival of a baby born at 23 weeks and the picture popped up.
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  • She came up with her brother being there after the fact that she told me no one but her husband could make it because it was snowing and the bridges were closed and suddenly her brother got there to send me a picture from google....
  • Hi ladies, I'm new to this app & also came here for support like the rest of you. I'm 24 pregnant with my first child ( a baby boy) :-). I saw that forum & something inside of me was telling me not to comment or send prayers ( please forgive me don't mean to sound harsh). In a situation like that I normally would. Her story just sounded so fishy & didn't add up at all; So I looked it up also. She's so sick & I hope she seeks help.
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  • You and me both! I had everyone praying for her and she fooled us all!
  • I looked up the pic ....cant believe .someone would lie about this...its so sad
  • I'm sorry all of you mamas experienced that awful lie. Good luck with your babies & goodnight
  • This infuriates me to no end especially because I've lost two babies myself. Even though I'm majoring in psychology sometimes I really cannot imagine what motivates people to do things like this. I responded to her twice when she said she was bleeding the left it alone because she began to sound like an idiot.
  • @kayleesmommy~ don't feel bad for being kind. You always have encouragement for us and it is appreciated! Did you give her your home number or just your cell?
  • Thats really messed up I jus read the thread, i havent been on all day who does that! its jus evil! And messed up to play with peoples emotions like that.
  • its really sad that some people lie & break trust when others are just trying to be supportive, loving, & caring.
    despite the fact that this all happened, I hope us mommies all still stick together because I don't know about all of you, but I really like this forum & its actually calmed me a lot reading some of the things on here.
    thanks guys(:
  • I agree wit u. Ive had alot of help from the ladies here, and given advice from my own experince's I hope the REAL ladies continue to keep doing what they have been doing to help new mommie and mommies wit kids already bcause real people like us make this forum a beautiful place.. On that note ladies im sorry you had to go thru that and your all good people for doin what you all did your all im my prayers god bless u all! God dont like ugly and your all beautiful!
  • Thanks for heads up I think I posted something on her post too. I just say anyone that can do that male female GOD have mercy on there soul. I know what I feels like to lose a child I miscarried @16 weeks with my second unbelievable extent some will do. God bless the true stories and women that are going through pregnancy
  • Ladies don't regret sending prayers, God knows your intentions were good and he will bless you for that. What other people choose to do is within their relationship with the lord and the blessings and prayers you sent are with yours, HE knows who's right and wrong and will decide the fate of these people. I hope all of you aren't too stressed out over this, our babies are too precious to let the ugliness of the world bring us down.
  • Hey ladies, I read the thread you guys ate referring to but I never commented, but after seeing this I was interested to know what had happened and just to let you know I can see some of your phone numbers in the messages on your pages. I know I should of Just stayed out of it but I too found it hard to believe that someone would do such a thing.

    You seem like sweethearts and I don't want people to see your phone numbers and take advantage of it, hopefully this faker was a one time thing but there might be more.
  • Lets juz pray for peace we all don't need to deal with this kind of stuff cuz its not good for our babies. I just hope that the women is not tryin to do this so she can kidnap babies. But we really don't know she's doing this. God bless her.
  • All I can say is wow. I was oblivious to all thus today. I think I sent a prayer message early on and never went back. The crazy thing is how the negative can so easily outlay the positive which is a shame. I've told my friends more about the crazy stuff like that teen girl a week ago and how she faked. Bad people messing up what shud b a wonderful place for women with a commonality from all over the world to gather and vent. I feel for Martin who has to deal with all the crap. I bet this was a $ scam which is even scarier
  • when I was pregnant with my youngest son, the girl my sons father cheated with did the same thing said she was miscarrying sent me google pictures ofa baby on life support everything. Was so sick about it. Cant believe people actually do this
  • Wow I didn't read all the comments but man I'm glad I didn't get close to her like that, I think she sent me a comment though. Man that makes me kinda not wanna be on this site anymore. I mean I through hell sometimes and really need a ear to listen and make me feel better. My husband doesn't get it and I'm sure most don't, but its our first child and my ob doesn't help me ease that much so I signed up on here hoping to find some friends, someone to text late at night when I'm upset or just simply can't sleep and need someone to talk to.
  • You know to be honest sitting around having a huve discussion about all this I don't thi k is the bezt way and ladiez none of you should regret the prayers you sent, you were doing what was right. Now that you know it was a lie and you're all soo very upset, I would be too, but like someone said earlier you're better than that, so be better than that and pray for her, pray that God heals their mind and heart, no one what they may or may not be going through in life. No it does not excuse what they did or the way they broke everyone trust, but remember ladies everyone has their issues and we must pray for the worst of the bad people in this world. God will bless those who pray for their enemies. Bashing is never the way. I'm not saying I haven't done it but, let's just now look for the signs and be careful and enjoy those who do care and are real.
  • What teenager? I saw the morris one, so sick! Who in the world would even think that was appropriate???? Not even something to joke about, just downright disgusting! So sad that people like that makes forums shady. I know there's a lot of people out there who are going to be untruthful, but there's also a lot who truly just want support from others in similar situations. Thanks to people like her (or him, we don't know) it makes all of us feel that we need to prove ourselves honest, worthy&not crazy. A friend of mine just lost a baby at 24wks, he had Trisomy 18. That is devastating...when someone makes those things up is just wrong in every way. I see how she hurts every day since her son is no longer physically here with her. I wish there were a way to 'screen' people in these forums just for people like that, which sucks for the rest of us honest ones. Makes me so furious! She definitely needs prayers, just not what she was claiming she needed them for--she needs them to help with her sick twisted mind!
  • I try to stay off the mc threads for my own sanity, but I did see the one you guys are talking about. Its crazy how this person got themselves caught up. You can see the inconsistentcies if you click on the name and see the different dates for posts. What an idiot!! Good luck to the next person which tries to pull this crap. How disgusting!! Must be so frustrating for the ladies who got close to this person. Just so you ladies know I am 100% supportive and real. I do my best to comment only on things I can relate to being on my second pregnancy. Best wishes to all of you! ;) peace & love girlfriends!
  • I read the thread, but didn't comment. It just struck me as strange. Reading her own thread, I realize that she is an attention whore (sorry if anyone is offended by the word, but the phrase accurately describes her). Remember ladies, don't feed trolls like her and the teen girl. We're all above that dumb stuff.
  • I hate to be a pessimist but I think there is another thread being posted by a liar....I'm not gonna say anything and maybe its just cuz my guard us up. I feel more like a detective on thus site now. Horrible. I'll just see how this one plays out
  • Yes!! I'm reading them and now its hard to tell if its the truth or its a lie that story had me sick to my stomach all night idk how somebody can make up a story like that first that stupid teenager now this ugh its getting irritated
  • I think a know which one you're talking about billye910
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