HAving a super hard time adjusting. Was on birth control and antibiotics and ended up prego. I also have two other kids and live with my mom to help her with her illness. Just feel really lost.
Babies are blessings just give it time. And there are always other options like adoption. But you will come around and all will be well. There are a lot of women here to talk to.
I know it's hard preparing for an arrival of another child..I am also a mother of two children and I have another on the way..It helps for me to openly talk to my mother about my concerns and it also helps to sit down and spend extra time with my boys.Is the father is your current child involved in your lives? Is your mother supportive? Another idea would be just keeping a journal-write poetry, express your happy moments and sad moments..I do not know what you are personally going through, but know that you are not alone..continue to smile and be the best mommy for your little ones..xo
Sorry I just saw that the father is not involved..Do you have a support system? Friends or close relatives that would be willing to help you? We have a facility called New life pregnancy center and they help with clothing, bedding,adoption agencies ect..is there any facility like this where you live?They would be a great help for you.
I hope u come around 3rdtimemomma. I remember crying myself to sleep at night because I always thought I couldn't become pregnant .. Hold ur head high and get help for whatever u need, that's why there are those special help centers etc. I'm sure there's a couple out there who r dying to have a baby to love and care for..It's not ur fault nor ur unborn child's fault. Ur in my prayers. Take care. Hugs * ps . Crazy Hormones could also be the cause of how u feel. Trust me not every pregnancy stays the same. When the baby comes out who knows, ur life may light up again. PCe out
Just look at it this way.... So many mommys here that have lost babies or cant have any. Theres a recent postn of a mommy that carried triplets and 2 babies just died leavn one still fightm for her life... Just be thankful. God has a plan for you!!
It a fact that if a pregnant woman doesn't have the daddy around and if he's not supportive than ur motherly inst will not kick in that could be the reason for the detached felling. Its not u or the babys fault! Its his! But u can always brush ur hair and put some lipstick on and go get u a new daddy. Good ones r out there. Try going to church functions. Everything happends 4 a reason.
@mrs_america excuse me but I don't think not having the dad in the picture is the cause of the motherly instinct kicking in (in general, not just in the woman's case). I have a really close friend who raised her son w/out the father and she's doing a great job and loves that child more than anything.
@3rdtimemomma, you have options for your unborn baby, and if you decide not to keep it there are hundreds of loving couples out there that can't have a baby. Best of luck to you no matter what you decide.
I just lost my baby Tuesday... I would do anything to have a baby. Your baby is going to need you. Stay strong for your young one! God bless you. I know times are rough. you don't need a man. No one does. God will pick the right path for you and your little ones. He does all things for a reason. Keep your head up and your faith alive:]
Tift87124 I was saying it as being prenant and if you look it up u would see what I'm talking about. Its not about raising a child it develping a detached feeling when ur pregnant. Many studies show this to be true. I wasn't talking about ur friend or her child. Think about it! It makes since. And I to have a fried who raised her child alone. She love her child and yes when she was pregnant she had the detached feeling like the girl. Know ur facts. I think if she understand why there is a detached feeling she would get over that. U misunderstood.
No, I didn't misunderstand. There could be many other reasons for feeling detached from the baby. But whatever, if you want to believe in that study good for you. I personally think its bs.
Look chick or tiff like I said look it up! My moms a shrink I asked her about this as well and she said most the time no daddy or a bad daddy is y a pregnant woman starts to feel this way. Ask ur dr when u go. I understand u might have an issue about what I said or else u wouldn't have gottin sooooo defensive. And this is not about u. Got that? And resurch is good that's why u know things about ur little one. Like I said, do not comment on what I say. Were not on the same page. Nor would I want to be.
Not to sound rude guys....she needs our help...not arguing...this is in no way benefiting her.... stay strong and have faith....you are never given more than you can handle....you can do this with out him...it may take time but when you see that beautiful child no doubt you will love it just as much as your other two....my prayers are with you!
Ladies..this is very disrespectful for the mother having the concerns..this is her post and we should try to remember that everyone handles situations in a different manner and carry different opinons..we are here to help eachother, not tear eachother down..just saying.. hugs to everyone..
Hey I was like that with my daugther I.didn't want to be pregnant my son was only 1! Even when she was born &.she was born.dead long story( after all that she is a normal lil girl & healthy). But after I finally had her in my hands it was a different story. I finally found out y I felt like that cause the prombles around me & I was scared to be like my mother to my daugther!
Ok first and foremost I wouldnt end this pregnancy at all. I just keep feeling stressed to the max. Knowing I'm pregnant, dealing with school, work, kids in school, their functions. Plus the dad is being an ass wants nothing to do with the baby, has a new girlfriend. Just shit like that, that makes me feel so so well bleh about it. And this whole pregnacy has been a roller coaster. Sick the entire time, visits to er for dehydration, an unexplained pocket of blood rupturing between cervix and uterus. Discouraging comments from people and how my boss acted when she found out. Lots of people saying you dont need another child.and just hurtful things make it so discouraging
I'm sorry this pregnancy has been so difficult. I'm sure this has to be hard to deal with. I'm sure this sounds cliche but things always work out one way or another. As for that jerk father, you don't diserve to be treated that way, and karma is a bitch. He will have another thing coming for him, I'm sure. Keep your head up high. There are women here that will support you.
I was the same wy when I first got pregnant I was so eager to be a mommy but getting so used to the idea that I couldn't hve children I gave up on trying and when I got pregnant instead of being ex ited with my hubby I tld him I didn't want the baby, that I didn't want to be pregnant and wished it didn't happen, it wasn't until I was 3 1/2 months in where I finally sfarted to really love my baby and the thought of loseing it was devistating and hurting my husband made me very sad. This is only my first child but I know how you feel. I believe in you and no matger what anyone thinks or says pray Mama you'll get the answer you need and you'll do whats best for thay baby.
@3rdtimemomma oh hun! That's a hard feeling to deal with especially bc you know you don't WANT to feel that way. We're all here for support. I can understand your feelings based on you're reasonings. I feel for you. Good luck with everything! Xo
Don't feel bad. This is my first preg and the first month I was overjoyed. Them I went thru a month of being kinda depressed, worrying about everything from how am I going to provide for her and also my freedom ( I'm 22 ) but luckily I figured everything hppens for a reason. This baby just might be your new best friend. Everything happens for a reason and its going to be ok
@itsagirl18 I hear you. I watch my friends for the past 7 yrs go thru abortions and worrying over missed periods. I always was supportive but deep down I felt almost not like a woman. Like I could do everything but make a baby and they couldn't. I felt they were ungrateful and undeserving. I wnted a baby I really did. Then after 4 yrs of being wit the guy I'm with now viola I turned up preggers. I was esctatic at first but then I started over analyzing and now I'm back to being estatic. I even went so far as to tell him I wish I would had an abortion.
Yeah, I totally was hurting everyone I loved the moat by my comments. Nothing anyonw could say got me over it either, it was just somethimg that I had to go through I think. See my biggest fears were loseing my baby or nt loseing it and putting it through hell by acting the way my mother and mom and my parenta didnr exactly make ny life a happy one growing up abd the last thing I wanted to do was ruin a life a made by being an awful mother.
MY biggest worry is am i going to be able to do it with 3. Plus I have a history of depression with pregnacy and it honestly scares the hell out of me. Plus deginerative disc disease was discovered after my car accident last year. Sorry I really do love this baby but still have an emotional detachment.
My biggest fear was that I was going to mess her up emotionally. I've had somethings happen to me in my childhood, and even thou I have the best mom and gma I grew to be angry. At everything and everyone. My dad is a asshole, I'm the oldest of his kids n he had 20: luckily my bf is very supportive and I know tht well do great together. I jst hd to figure it out myself. I also wtch friends struggle with their kids n it made me fearful. But I hve a big family so I kno ill have support if needed
So many mommys here that have lost babies or cant have any. Theres a recent postn of a mommy that carried triplets and 2 babies just died leavn one still fightm for her life... Just be thankful. God has a plan for you!!
@3rdtimemomma, you have options for your unborn baby, and if you decide not to keep it there are hundreds of loving couples out there that can't have a baby. Best of luck to you no matter what you decide.
Give ur baby away?