The thing I am most scared of with labor is...

edited April 2011 in Giving birth
Okay so I thought I would ask because me and my cousin talk about this stuff all the time, and I was just wondering if you guys ever think about it as well...I am 34 weeks, YAY, only 6 weeks cousin is 37 weeks along so we talked about what we are the most scared of with labor, I will go first....One of the things I am most scared of with labor is...that I will get there too late and be too far dialated for an epidural! I can handle pain but really I have heard too many horror stories about the pain that I am totally planning on having an of my other scares is...that the baby wont respond well to labor and I will end up having to have an emergency c section, expecially since my boyfriend is one of those people that doesnt handle hospitals or blood very well (he will litterally faint at sight of needles) so he refuses to go in the OR if I need to have a c section! Fingers crossed all goes well!! [-O<


  • I am most scared of labor is....the pain, lol I don't take pain very well and I had a braxton hicks and cried yu my mommy lol also scared that the epidural won't work on me...ugh lol
  • @Jay_july1 what is braxton hicks?

    And i am most scared of having to have a c section....i've never had any kind of surgery or anything so the whole thought of labor scares me but lots of women do it so i know ill be ok :)
  • This is going to be my second baby. I had a c-section the first time and I have to have another one this time. I'm mentally prepared for my c-section this time but however im scared of getting another epidural. That's not something that im going to ever stop being afraid of.
  • is that she will no longer be in my belly where i can keep her safe 24/7
  • @brttnywstn14 its like having a contractions but yur not, everyone had it but not everyone feels them...
  • This will be my 2nd child and I have a few things i'm scared about. 1.Having to have an emergency c section. 2. Progressing too fast for an epidural. 3. The actual epidural.
  • I would love to progress too fast to have an epidural. My first baby took 3 hrs no meds. If this one came quicker that would be great! All i care about is making it to the hospital.
  • I find your concerns interesting. The thing I'm most scared of is my baby dying like last time. On the way to the hospital I thought I would have an emergency c-section, but she was already dead when we arrived. Obviously she wasn't responding to labor well, but I went through most of my labor at home so she wasn't being monitored like she would have been had I just gone to the hospital in the earlier stages of labor. :( :( :(

    I was told that it can almost never be too late to get the epidural. I had actually done two rounds of pushing, then decided to get it. But maybe they only let me get it that late because they knew my daughter was already dead. I don't know. I'm going to have to check with my new doctor because I was hoping to do the same thing this time around- get the epidural just for pushing. I figure since I didn't feel the baby coming out (you know, the burning), I'll just spare myself of that experience for future pregnancies as well. You'd be surprised how much blood is NOT involved with c-sections or vaginal births. It's really not usually as gorey as people make it seem. Good luck
  • @Jay_july1 oo ok :) thanks this is my first so im new at all this lol

    Does getting the actual epidural hurt? And do u think its worth it? Im extremely scared of needles...i cried when they had to do blood work for the first time! Now i can do it no problem i just don't look lol
  • They numb the area first brttnywstn14 so it usually doesn't hurt when they do it. Depending on how long it's in, the area may be a little sore afterward.
  • @brttnywstn14 I am too and when it happened I didn't kno wat was going on, was hard for me to move lol,i criedlike a lil baby to my mom lol, and I heard it does I'm scared of needles too and that goes in the spine so I'm scared of it too
  • @PebblesMommy omg! That is so sad :( im very sorry! I hope everything works out better for you this time! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I couldn't even imagine what that would be like.
  • @PebblesMommy im so sorry. That just made me cry :'(
  • Its uncomfortable to get the epidural but the give u a numbing shot that helps and you're havin contractions so you're more focused on that I remember asking my mom to scratch my nose durring mine. With the 2nd I had scar tissue so it didn't get the exact right spot so I didn't get full coverage so I'm hoping I get full coverage this time
  • @Jay_july1 yea im sure im gonna cry too lol im a big baby but then i always think of all the young girls who have babies and have gone through it and then i just think if they can do it i can do it! Gives me confidence lol :)
  • Aww I'm sorry kcoolzchic! I usually spare the details of my misfortune, but here I was just answering the question. And brttnywstn14, trust don't want to imagine. What happened to me is rare. Consider me the statistic so that none of you have to be.
  • I must admit the thought of having a C section scares the hell outta me. I pushed out twins vaginally. I was very adament on not having a c section! I'm also afraid that i will poop on myself in front of my hubby:( not a good look, lol
  • Im scared of pooping while in labor, and a c sec... This is my second and I was young with my first so im not sure if I did or not, but it still scares me,,,
  • @PebblesMommy well like i said you are in my thoughts and i hope everything goes much better for you this time!
  • I had diarrhea and no appetite all day before I went to the hospital. So there was 0% chance I would be pooping on anyone. But if it does happen, the nurses are used to it. You probably won't even feel it happen because of all the other pressure that's down there.
  • Haha yea im a lil nervous about popping too....way embarrassing!!! Especially cause ill have my mom and boyfriend in.the room
  • *pooping....stupid phone lol
  • @ pebblesmommy I'm so sorry for your loss. You will continually be in my prayers. I too have experienced the death of a child but I think of it this way, My son has the greatest babysitter ( GOD ) until I can see him again and I thank god he gave me the opportunity to meet my son and spend his first 3 months with him.
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  • Thanks MrsMaxwell. Where will your husband be coming from that he might be late isaiahnjocelynsmommy?
  • im scared that my boyfriend wont make it there in time as well .
  • I have the phone numbers for some of my husband's coworkers so that if I can't reach him at work or cell then I can call one of them to track him down.
  • I'm so sorry for those of you who have lost your children that's so sad and I could never imagine that kind of pain! Sorry for your loss!....@jay_July1 I also have been having braxton hicks but mine are not close together so I seem to be able to handle them for the epi I'm not scared of the needle everyone I talk to says you don't even care because your in so much pain from contractions...pooping is gross but I already told my bf if it happens and he laughs he is going to regret it!!!
  • Really kenziesmom216? You're due on 7/4/11? That's cool
  • edited April 2011
    I'm a worrier so everything scares me haha. 1. Being in labor for a ridiculous amount of time. 2. Epidural (I can tolerate pain so I want to try and do it during the whole labor/birth or as long as I can). 3. Unhealthy baby. 4. Pooping while pushing. 5. having to deal with doctors and nurses looking up me every 5 minutes while I'm in labor and then pushing on my stomach after birth, (eyes and hands off please!) 6. Having to stay in the hospital for days after, I'm pretty sure all I will want to do is go home. 7. Bleeding for weeks and weeks after birth. Being a woman is just lovely, you're either bleeding or pregnant but either way you get violated way too much haha.
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