The Documentary: Babies

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
Has anyone seen the movie, if so what do you think?
I find it astonishing how Americans are getting vaccinated for everything under the suna nd taking every precaution needed to protect their babies, but people from third world countries manage to live ethe simplest of lifestyle, making toys out of mangy pets and rocks and dirt. The reaction of some of the mothers to their babies, I could only imagine what was going through their heads, seemed like alot of mixed emotions. I would be scared to sit my open vagina on the dirt after I just popped a baby out of it. I wonder do they have the same health issues we encounter in more sterile enviroments. Could you imagine your baby taking a poop in your lap and you just wiping it on your knee and rolling it off with no water, or just allowing your child to run around with nothing gaurding their private parts in the dirt and fields on a regular basis with animals and God knows what else. It is definately insightful. I wonder how I would handle in that enviroment. How would you?


  • I loved that movie! I watched it with my husband. So cute :)
    I'm bet that the women in Africa are just made of tougher stuff than us. We're spoiled by hospitals, fully covering clothes, diapers, plastic toys, etc. They just make do and live as they have for generations.
    Personally, I'd let my baby run around naked or partially clothed. I don't want my child to feel ashamed of their naked body. I was raised by a couple of hippies so I ran around naked for ages. I still do, just inside ;) My husband's mother always kept him clothed and he said he's never been naked all the time until he and I started dating. I'm also very comfortable with my body. Any awkwardness about being naked with other people is me worrying whether they're freaked out about being naked around me.
  • Omg I saw that too! That one mongolian boy who ran around with a shirt and shoes with no pants made me so nervous with his little wee hanging out!! He was like sitting on rusty metal things and climbing stuff!! Lol it was cute though.
  • @VictoriaB, I believe so, I would be scared of infections with the whole sitting your bear bottoom on the dirt. But I wonder, what was that red stuff the Nambian women were rubbing on their pregnant bellies?? Do you know??
    But its nothing wrong with being comfortable in the flesh:)

    @starrxoxo9 LOL, I was thinking the same thingg when I saw that part, Im like. i hope those cows dont eat him, lol. He had absolutely no fears. Im still kinda scared of dogs, Im ashamed of myself. ha haha
  • I just looked it up. Its a red body paint that they say enhances their features, like makeup. They put it in their hair too.
  • I loved it!!! It shows how different we all are and that's an amazing thing. The part where the baby pooped and she wiped his bottom down her knee and leg made me a lil sick and then just rubbed it off. Oh my but that mom has to do things and go through things I never have or ever will. I love the things that make us all so incredible. Good documentary.
  • @victoriaB I thought it was maybe something for stretch marks, did you noticee, none of them had any??
    @wallieheadbaby3 OMG, I was kind of disgusted as well, But that is very true!
  • Maybe it makes their skin soft? I wasn't really grossed out by the poop. More like, oh that's an interesting way of dealing with poop.
  • I. Loved it really made me open my eyes
  • I liked it but I would havve liked it better with someone speaking and telling us more about tthe different ways of life there's so much you miss by just watching.
  • @victoriaB if i ever see a lady at the park wiping her babies poop on her knee, i knw that may be you, jk
    @AZmom definately
    @camommy I think so too. Alot of things I am sure we just didnt understand. They should do a remake.

  • XD I cracked up so much at that!
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