anyone in corona, Ca



  • I'm in corona :) I'm 21 and 10 weeks today
  • Im In 16w today with a boy..if u wanna kno wat ur having unique ultrasound in temecula will tell u for $25 thats wat i did
  • Awww u found out soon. Koool
  • @vero I'm Mexican but ppl laugh cuz they say I'm the whitest Mexican they know. Well, on the inside! Lol how about u?
  • Does anyone live in Las Vegas?
  • ecuadorian and white... wait whens ur due date again?
  • @itsfinallyhappening...never mind i read ur a week ahead of me
    Do u have names picked?
    N soo mayb this is weird but dnt take it the wrong way bur do u have a pic...i wanna see my new friend lol
  • edited April 2011
    @mommy_of_2 was that a 3d us or regular. we live in san bernardino
  • @Firsttimedaddy its both they do a reg one to see the sex and they will also show u a 3d/4d you can either get 2 pics printed or a cd. I got the cd it had about 13 pics. But the special is ending soon cuz its half off now..they have a lot of packages but i would call asap and as long as u book ur apt for whenever u get the price.
  • @mommy_of_2 k thanx (: ima tell my girl. maybe we can set up an app. but she is only 19 weeks. we know the sex ee just want a 3d cuz they r cool (:
  • @vero I wish I could put my pic up! No matter what I do it doesn't work! I guess it doesn't help that I only use preggly on my phone. If I figure it out you'll be the first to know! Plus I don't have a Facebook, I so don't believe in it!

    My little girls name will be Avery Elizabeth. Hopefully! Haha

    What about you? Any names chosen yet?
  • @itsfinallyhappening aww that sucks i dnt have facebook either.. n since i dnt kno wat im having ..i havent decided yet on nething i have ideas but nothing for sure
  • @vero what nationality is your baby? Here's my email maybe I can figure a way to send a picture that way!
  • @itsfinallyhappening well im ecuadorian n whote n the dad is mexican white and up i i think german
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