can u tell when your cervix is dialating?

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
Just curious I am 38 wks and have been stuck at 1 cm for a few weeks now. But im starting to have more light contractions and noticing some cramp like feelings in my vagina and pressure. I havent been checked in a couple weeks could it be that I am feeling my cervix dialate?


  • You wont feel the actual dilation, but the other things you're feeling could cause you to dilate. You have another appointment soon, if you're curious, have them check. Its not uncommon to stay slightly dilated for weeks before birth, though, so don't get your hopes up too high!
  • Its probably from the pressure of the baby moving into the birth canal preparing for delivery :) although you never know! Everyone is different and so is every pregnancy and symptom :) good luck momma! You are almost there!
  • Yes I go twice a week for stress tests so I will have them check me again friday.. either way I am being induced april 21st just curious to see if what I was feeling could be dialation.. thank you! : )
  • Shouldn't the be seeing you weekly and checking you too.
  • If you are 38 weeks you should be going weekly to the doctor and should be checked each time. That's how my doctors office does it starting at 37 weeks.
  • I do go twice weekly for stress tests and normal apts. I see a midwife and she gives me the option of being checked. You don't have to be checked everytime...
  • When i was preggo with my third, around 37th week was feeling more pressure like if i had a huge hole down there and the baby moving down there. So i went for my 38th week check up and sure enough i was 3 to 4 cm already. Delivered 3 1/2 hrs later
  • Wow... that's crazy... hopefully I have dialated more.. did u have lots of contractions?
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  • I'm 39 weeks and don't get checked till I go past the 40 weeks witch I always do...but I'm so tired of being pregnant :( .
  • I know how u feel happy. I am 35-36 weeks on my third pregnancy. I receive so much pain with this pregnancy it is crazy. He is very healthy and heavy. I want to give birth already. LOL
  • Omg I'm tired I feel huge!! I've never gotten this big of a belly! My due dates Friday and I feel nothing happening:( @sexyass718
  • Well first the baby will drop. There will be a gap from ur breast to the baby and a bulge in ur hairline down there. Then u will know it is very close. Contractions don't have to start until active labor. So u r lucky to not feel ur cervix ripening. It's not fun. It's like a knife stabbing u in ur vagina out if the blue.
  • If u feel to big. just walk a lot more. i take my kids to school every morning and pic them up. its good exercise and dancing. I do Zumba for ps3. I just dont do the crazy or extreme moves. oh and drink water or gatorade. it helps u pee a lot so u shed the pounds.
  • I only gained 10 POUNDS and I am 37 weeks
  • I've only gained 12 lbs and I'm 38 +4
  • wow this is my first baby ive gained 23 pounds but since ive been on maternity leave im losing weight Ive been having light contractions starting 34 weeks however i am not dialating yet my due date is may 6 . also i have been going weekly to be checked and montioring the baby.
  • @mommyof32011 i see a midwife too and in their office which they share with othe doctors its required to be checked each visit starting at 37 weeks. I guess every doctors office is different.
  • Yea I was shocked to find out that its our option if we want to be checked or not . Its rather nice tho :p
  • I'm still 10 lbs lighter than I was when I got prego and I'm 37 weeks. Now with dilatation that will happen whenever but primrose oil will help. I'm doing it. I'm getting induced on the 27th. I'm shocked they don't check you every week. I get checked. Thank God I'm finally dilating
  • Im not sure if u can feel it or that contractions means you are because when I was pregs with my son I was six cm dialated and my doc made me go to the hospital lol I never had braxtion hicks and was walking around! My mom was shocked and looking at me crazy like" u can't feel that" Haha
  • I've gained 8lbs and I'm in week 34 . But I feel huge like I gained 100lbs.
  • Im 31wks. Today has been a painful day. I feel sooo much presssure dwn south, when i go pee u feel heavy dwn south. My bak is really hurtn and my muscle by legs/crotch area... I pray im not dilated...
    What do u ladies think it us? :-)
  • @Betty
    I feel the same way my guess is the baby droped. Is this your first? I was told by my Dr that after you have had a few kids that your muscles are much looser and baby's drop sooner and you feel more pressure. I'm on number 4 ! Sometimes I have so much pressure down there I feel like I'm going to just explode . I almost asked to be checked today while I was doing fetal monitoring but think ill wait till my next appointment when I'm 36weeks

  • .@angieface.... It will be my 3rd after 10yrs
    Bby moves alottttt! Im.just 31wks. Isnt it to early to drop?
  • edited April 2011
    No I'm pretty sure I drooped at 29weeks.Everyone is different some don't drop till 40 weeks but some drop around 29 . I guess anyways , my Dr said a lot of women who have had children drop earlier.My baby moves a lot too lol I call him lil wiggles!!!
  • my baby didnt drop until 34 weeks this is my first baby
  • I am 35 weeks and can breathe alot better. I think my little man has finally dropped because i waddle like a duck
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