Really?!? REALLY?! I QUIT! I'M DONE!

I've seriously had it with my bf/bd. I TRIED to have a decent night tonight after going out to a really expensive dinner on the beach, but that never happens with my bf. We came home after being gone all day, and then when he wants to go to sleep I ask him to go look for our cat which happened to be outside...well...he comes back inside smelling of cigarettes( or so I thought), he asks me to turn out the light. Well...I turned out the light, and he literally FREAKS out and starts bouncing around telling me that's he's "dying", grabbing his chest. WTF SO I ask him "WTF DID YOU SMOKE?!" he proceeded to tell me that he didnt smoke anything. Well..turns out he lied to me AGAIN. I ask him again what he smoked, and he threw this packet of some herbal incense that idiots smoke to get high. Proceeded to wake up everyone in the house, his uncle called the ambulance, they came, and he just started acting like a fool so the police came. They ended up hand cuffing him, and then came in to talk to me. I told them what happened, and what he said he smoked, gave them the empty packet of the crap he smoked, and they took him away. I don't know where they took him, but being 28weeks pregnant I shouldn't have to deal with this juvenile sh*t! He's 24 yrs old. On bond. And goes to drug court. I'm due in July. If he goes to jail he won't be there for the birth of his son. At this point I'm pretty much fed up with everything that's going on so far. I don't know what to do. I'm not for sure if they took him to the hospital, the psych ward, or jail. But I tried looking up side effects for this crap, and all of it checks out. So I'm assuming they took him to the hospital for treatment. I don't even feel like stressing myself out anymore than I already am at this point to call around and look for him. If he is in jail I'm not bailing him out again. Not doing it. He lost his job because of this sh*t,got our car reposed, and never has any money all because he just wants to get high OFF OF FAKE WEED. Constantly lying to me about doing it, even though he swears up and down he'd never do it. Yet while he was bouncing around acting a fool, he told me "I DO ALWAYS LIE TO YOUR FACE". That really hurt my feelings. Makes me wonder what else he does, and lies to me about. I really just don't want to go on like this, but dont want to withhold him from seeing his son, but if he acts like this I have no other choice really. :-(


  • Oh, wow! That's horrible! I hope something changes for the better! Good luck! %%-
  • Will its legal to smoke that crap but its very harmful n people have n can die from it I know a lot of people that smoke it..
  • That insence got banned bc ppl were killing themselves so even though he got took to jail its good he went to the hospital for it. But I really am sorry it had to come to that. He needs to grow up! My husband is 24 too and sometimes he acts like a child and I'm like wtf I'm 18 and act more mature.
  • Sounds like he needs to spend some time in jail. And at least if he's in there u don't have to worry about him doing something as stupid in there. I hope he gets the help he needs and good luck to you
  • Sorry your going through this, I to am due in July and my bd is 26 and has a lot of growing up to do as well ..
  • Was it salvia he smoked? That stuff is terrible for you. Sorry u had to go thru this. I'd let him sit in jail and think about being mature.
  • i would take a break from him ! he needs to change for you and baby. i def wouldn't want him around my newborn son if he gonna act like that . talk to him and take a break. he ain't gonna change if he knows he can get away with it. hope everything works out for you!
  • Seems to me that letting someone like that around your child is irresponsible. Is that really the lifestyle or actions you want your child to think is normal? It's not.
  • Good luck. U have to do wats best for u n the baby. Hope thinks get better
  • @jodsh boy you left something just as kind on one of my posts. Lol obviously she sees he's not good for the baby but she loves him so dropping him won't be so easy without getting hurt. I know she wants what's best and will do that in time.
    @EricaK22 girl I'm sorry you're going through this. Yes, those things aren't good for the baby but I understand that its not easy to let go so fast even when our boyfriends act stupid. He shouldn't be smoking that stuff and go to be around you anyway. With my ex, I thought if he could lie over something small, then why wouldn't he lie over something big? You and the baby deserve better than that. :) I now have a bf who is a lot better and he's my daughters father. :) I'm 24 weeks today and we have been together for 1 year 8 months. Babies are such blessings. We can't let a schmuck mess it up and take our joy. >:D<
  • Babycomingsoon143, it's not about nice or not nice. Here it's about having a child exposed to a criminal lifestyle and actions, or not. The rest, while seemingly monumental, is secondary in my view. Life is tough and sometimes we have to make difficult and unpleasant choices to do what is right, for ourselves and, more importantly, for our kids. In your post, iirc, you were complaining about your parents' rules. My thought on the matter was ultmately for you and your bf to get out there and do what was necessary to fix the problem.

    Here, whether it's sugarcoated or not, the op is faced, it seems to me, with a choice she needs to make: whether to do what's best for her child.
  • I know how u feel. My bd is on drug court and It's annoying. Curfews meetings drug tests and random wake up checks late in the night. Tht alone is tuff but for them to b stupid and not growin up is beyond me. I'm fed up with it so I hear ya.
  • @jodsh I'm not saying sugar coat it but I'm saying there's a better way than just saying she's irresponsible. If you're gonna take the time to reply to someone, why not say something that she couldn't get elsewhere? Anyone could be not so nice but we can be honest yet tactful. People are so quick to judge Yet pregly is supposed to be for support and for friends. About the parents rule thing, he got a job and its a great one. But I wasn't just complaining - I was asking for advice and you saying basically to get my butt off pregly and apply was unnecessary. Lol because I have done that so that input could have been saved. Jobs aren't easy to come by not even for a gas station. But God blessed him with one far greater than what he asked for. :)
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