@mzmommy1st i haventt boughtt anyy new since i firstt found outt i was pregnantt. theyy aree now fitting pretty tightt rightt now so i think i may have to buy some more. ivee been wanting to hit up victoria secrets cuz i heard they havee maternity bras. but i need to waitt till hubby gets paid.
@denois yeahh ivee always been a tummy sleeper too; i dntt think this baby will stop me unless im super hugee and is hurting him or her :P
@VictoriaB im 18 weeks too; and wen im laying on my belly for a long time i can feel thee baby kick too. thats the sign i go for! lol
@heatherlynn my boyfriend likes to lay in his side and hold me butt i always push him away to lay on my tummy! he always gets mad so i try but i need to put a pillow underneath my belly and hug one.
I know your not suppose to but the only way I can sleep is on my right side half way in my stomach right leg stretched all the way out & left leg as close to ny chest as possible, I can't sleep any other way...lol...I have ocd...:)
@crazy23 ivee tried sleeping on my back but it justt dntt work for me. i remember laying on my back oncee, oncee i wokee up i had so much pain in my neck!
i can still lay on my stomach with no problem. i was at my friends house who just had her baby and laid on my stomach to get on the laptop & she was shocked apparently she couldn't lay on hers after like 2 months.
I'm 21 weeks and I can lay on mine for so long but if I lay half way on it I can sleep fine for a while. I've been getting really uncomfortable and having bad and weird dreams a lot lately.
@preggointx it is so worth the money I got the leacho total body pillow from Walmart for almost 70 and is worth every penny been sleeping with it from three months on it is just huge only downside you need big bed
@denois yeahh ivee always been a tummy sleeper too; i dntt think this baby will stop me unless im super hugee and is hurting him or her :P
@VictoriaB im 18 weeks too; and wen im laying on my belly for a long time i can feel thee baby kick too. thats the sign i go for! lol
@heatherlynn my boyfriend likes to lay in his side and hold me butt i always push him away to lay on my tummy! he always gets mad so i try but i need to put a pillow underneath my belly and hug one.
@Soon_2_b_his_mommy yeahh thatt always seems to happen to me.!
@YAYA i seem to havee alott of bad dreams too; theyy all involvee my mom who i moved outt of her housee! we haventt talked in almostt 5 months.