Only 26 wks and finding it hard to breathe.. Anyone else?

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Ok girls im 26 wks along and im already finding it so hard to get into a comfortable sitting position and also finding it quite difficult to breathe? My baby girl is stickin to one particular side of my belly and I can't get her to move... This pregnancy is truly beginning to resemble my last one I just hope my baby girl doesn't come out as big as my son did I was getting so used to having lil


  • Lol I'm only 24 weeks and its starting to get hard to breathe and I can't even get a full yawn in most times. I hope it gets better but sense she'll only get bigger, I think it'll get worse. Lol oh well I will set my mind on the prize. :) its hard to even paint my toe nails myself. My tummy is huge. She's weighing normal amount and is around 13.5 inches so maybe she'll just get fat. :) good luck
  • I'm 24 weeks and feel like I have shortness of breathe when I talk sometimes...
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