ughh!! i hate spitting back to back..

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Why me :/


  • I spit a lot
  • Oh! I find that something acidic like lemonade or coke cuts into that built up globby spit feeling in the back of my mouth. It's a nasty feeling.
  • How far along are you? I produced a lot of saliva when I was in my first trimester, mostly because I had such bad nausea. Throwing up makes my mouth water really bad.
  • I'm 9week! ughh. its annoying
  • I have actually spit up drink and what not.. totally gross..
  • bribri
    edited April 2011
    @blueberrysmom I thought you can't drink soda during pregnancy
  • I didn't say anything about soda, but I have never heard that. I drank some soda occasionally. I don't see why that would be bad...
  • I like fruity sodas from Mexico because they don't have caffeine and they use real sugar. Delicious! I mostly drink water but the occasional soda is a nice treat.
  • Ok! so I can just not to much..
  • I wouldn't drink coke or pepsi. Baby would be all jumpy and nervous looking. Lol!
  • Oh right because of the caffine, I don't normally drink pop that has caffine. I like root beer and it doesn't have any caffine :)
  • Oh ok cause I ownly drink water and a bit of crandberry, but other then that just water.. just water which SUCKS cause I have no taste in my mouth
  • I have the same problem :o(
    I had it with my 1st pregnancy as well. It only lasted while I had morning sickness, which lasted till my 14-15 week.
    I'm almost 12 wks and I'm hoping this will ease up soon... this stinks :o(
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