does anyone know what it could be if i cant carry a baby past 12 weeks

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have had 2 miscarriages in the past 6 month and I can't carry a baby past 12 weeks.if anyone knows anything it could be or what I can do to find out.I would greatly appreciate it very much I want to carry a baby so bad and would do anything


  • Progesterone. Possible low hormone?
  • edited April 2011
    Has your doc worked you up for clotting disorders? That's what they did with me after I had my son early. Could be any number of things, but my OB also told me the other day that progesterone shots are now FDA approved to help prevent preterm labor. They don't start until 16 weeks though...maybe you need bed rest for your first trimester? Good luck. :)
  • Is your blood type neg and they didn't give you a shot after the mc?
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • My docs said if I hadent taken progesterone and metformin I would have lost mine I'm 17 1/2 weeks now I have pcos that's why I am on the progesterone good luck girl ill pray for you. :)
  • No they didn't give me any shot and won't test the fetus until I have a third miscarriage.what shot would they give me
  • The clotting disorder test is run on you. They literally took 14 vials of blood from me to see if I had one. And the shot is progesterone.
  • They only took likr 4 or 5 vials the other day.could they do it after the d&c or would that be too late.he said he doesn't do it.and no test untill 3 miscarriages in a row
  • @little1chashew no I'm either a or b positive
  • U could also have progesterone inserts like I did
  • edited April 2011
    If you have one, it will show up whenever you're tested for it. If your OB won't test for it, go to your primary care doc and explain what has been going on and that you're concerned you may have a clotting issue. Ask him to order labs. Can't hurt. You have to advocate for yourself because no one else knows your body better than you.
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