I've been having some serious depression and anxiety issues, and my doctor pescribed me zoloft. She said the risks of not taking it outweigh the risks of taking it. I kno there's aot of controversy with this issue. I'm 20 weeks along. Does anyone have PERSONAL stories they can share with me?
I was on those meds when I was 12-16 and they never made me feel better. I was on one that helped me quit smoking tho. It made me reject anything toxic, even car exhaust sickened me when I'd walk next to the highway.
Personally, I don't think anyone except people with extremely severe mental disorders needs to take those meds. They mess up your brain.
@pregnantlettemama I have family members who are bipolar and zolot and was told zoloft wasnt recommended for them because it reacts bad to bipolar meds. I believe wellbutrin is the preferred medication with bipolar meds.