quick question!

edited April 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Hey, I have a quick question... maybe tmi but I have been so wet down there lately its crazy! Normally I'm dry as a bone always, even during sex, but the last few days I need to wear a pantyliner for the clear watery discharge. Is this a pregnancy symptom or has anyone else experienced this?


  • Same with me its so annoying! I have to use the bathroom twice an hour just to keep things.... well... clean... lol tmi but o well!
  • It's completely normal
  • Lemme guess.. it gets worse down the road! Lol
  • Yea it gets worse but the good news is that it helps protect the baby!
  • Supposedly...... and Wen u get close u.lose mucas plug ... bloody show....I'm with my first but I read everything
  • Wait you aren't for sure if your pregnant or not right? Bc I kinda have the same problem but I have gotten BFN's on every test I've taken!!
  • Oh I.didn't see that part u should take a test
  • I missed that to... hmm.. not sure i ever experienced that in the beginning at all... but then again i had no symptoms :/
  • Lol it's all good I just wanted to make sure I read that right myself lol.... I have taken tests and they are all negative ugh..... But it could also be an infection @Etompa01 so you may want to call the doc as a precaution! Just a thought!
  • I don't think I'm pregnant, the wetness is the only abnormal thing I have noticed... but based on my lamp I would only be 3w2d. Well, the wetness and cramping but I just figured that was pms coming early.
  • Could be. I'd say give it a few weeks and if AF doesn't come then I'd take a test!
  • I called my doc and she said as long as its clear or whitish its ok, but if it has a color to it like yellow then I should come in for a culture.
  • @etompa01 u r right, my was alittle yellow so I went to my doctor and I found out that I had a bacterial infection, confused/similar to a yeast infection.
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