Weird Dreams!! Share your funny Dreams here!



  • Woah!!! Lol I'm terrified of leprechauns!!!
  • In one of my dreams i gave birth to a toddler and it was weird.
  • I dreamt the other day my ex was chasing me, and I kept telling him to back off, and he kept saying " I just need some more milk!!" Has anyone else had crazy ex dreams?
  • For the past few weeks I've had dreams where my fiancé was cheating. Last night I woke up after having one of them, and started crying. He woke up not long after and asked what was wrong. All I could say is you don't love me anymore! He looked at me stupid, laughed, and told me I was hormonal. Haha.
  • I dreamed last night that I was Fran off The Nanny and we went on a vacation with all the kids to a resort in Europe and I vividly slept with Mr Sheffield :( Sooooo weird and random! I guess I watch The Nanny too much!
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  • Ha ha @Mama_Kat , now you have to share!!!!!
  • I haven't been having good dreams...I've had a dream where I was stuck in a limbo and died 3 times. Last night I had a dream tjat involved hellraiser type tourture and people from work and I was trying to save someone but was worriwd about my cat! O.o....preeetty odd dream...but there was a looong story line with both of those dreams.
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  • Ha ha @Mama_Kat I dreamt I was having a boy two weeks before I found out, my dream was right too!!!
  • I had a dream i was having sextuplets with justin bieber. Dont ask me what i ate or how i thought of it but i woke and i was like wtf where did that come from? Especially because i would go to jail!
  • Ha ha you were having beiber fever!! Lol
  • I've had two dreams that my baby wouldn't stay in my tummy. That he wiggled down almost into my leg and I had to push him back up into my abdomen. First time I had the dream it was twins, one was almost into my leg and the other was almost on my side at my waist.
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