induced next week and getting scared :(

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm scheduled for induction this comming Friday and I'm getting nervous. I still haven't dilated any or lost my mucas plug. I'm afraid the induction won't take and they'll have to do a Csection. Any one have any experience with csection or inductions? Did it go smoothly for you??


  • I had induced wit my last pregnancy went well. Delivered natural n smoothly good luck n don't be scared
  • Thanks. This is my first and I have the worst luck :( I'm just ready for it to be over with.
  • I was induced with my first baby. Everything went great! I loved being induced. There was no rushing to the hospital at all, which was so nice! Your cervix can drastically change within the next week hun, so don't worry, just relax as much as possible! :) my little girl is now 15 months old and im 32+4 pregnant with our second little girl and in a way, I hope to get induced again this time! Lol :) good luck sweetie!
  • @MommyOfTwo Thank you, that makes me feel better. My doc won't really give me strait answers, he says inductions are unpredictable and I could be in labor for many hours :/
  • I have that same concern. My first came 5 days past the due date and this time they're going to induce me at 39 weeks. I hear that second babies come sooner but I have a feeling that all of my babies will come late naturally so what if my body isn't ready to be forced at 39 weeks? :( Just try to relax when they do it and maybe that will help things progress fine. And don't lose hope because you can make a lot of progress in the next week on your own. I hope I go into labor before they induce me but I don't think it's gonna happen. Hey look on the plus least there's an end in sight and you won't have to be living a mystery day to day if you weren't gonna be induced. :)
  • I was induced with my last pregnancy. People say the pitocin makes contractions hurt more but i think they get stronger after they break your water. I am being induced at 39 weeks with this pregnancy too.
  • My Water broke on it's own and then I was induced with pitocin a few hours later. It went well :)
  • @onemoreontheway Me too! I was in labor 12hour but I'm hard labor only like 4. @mommeee123 are you having your baby natural?
  • I got induced at exactlly 40 weeks, when I first got to the hospital in the evening they told me I was 2 1/2 cm dilated, they induced me the following morning at 6:30 am, I started pushing at 10 am and had my baby boy at 10:26am :) it went very smooth except that I personally think getting induced hurts a little more then going natural...good luck to you, hope all goes well :)
  • I was induced well kinda, I went in to,be induced at 5 the night before my actual induction, wasnt supposed to start til 630 the next morning, they just wantedd to make sure I slept the night before. I got thee and they hooked,me up to the monitors just to find out I was already contracting every 2 and a half minutes, I couldnt feel them and I was already dialating. I was already in,labor, I had her at 644 the dr just got their they had to-tell me not to,push.
  • The petocin didn't work for me so they broke my water and I ended in a c sec but because I couldn't dialate but if ur already effaced and have lost ur mucus plug u should be fine
  • I was induced with my first and ended up having a c-section...I have had all 3 of mine c-section and I just want to say that it is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I was up walking around within an hour and I think that really helped. Also, if you can do without the pain medicine, it seems to help you recover faster. I was in labor after being induced with my first for 3 days with 3.5 hours of pushing before they decided there was no 2nd was an emergency c-section....but our son was scheduled and it was a breeze. So don't stress,you will do great either way!!!
  • We be having a baby the same day!! Just because you haven't lost the plug doesn't mean anything. Is your cervix soft and are you dialating?
  • @vetranswife only dilated 1cm and my doc says my cervix is still way up.

    @Serenitysmommy I don't plan on going all natural, I'm a wimp :( and too afraid of the pain lol
  • I was induced with my first and am scheduled for induction on the 27. Everything will be okay, if u need a csection I heard its better than contractions :)
  • Losing your plug shouldn't matter sweetie. I was only 1cm dilated when I was induced and cervix was still high as well, it was a long process but like I said, I actually liked it :)
  • @Momeee123 Lol I feel ya... I tried to wait until I felt it 1st before I asked for a epidural and boy did I feel it but after getting I was good... She came pretty fast after. You'll do fine. I'll be praying for you
  • What do they do to induce you besides giving Pitocin?
  • I am being induced on mon! I'm not too nervous at the moment, but a little anxious and kind of scared of what to do with my baby when I bring him home. I'm not afraid of the possibility of a c-section. Id rather have my baby out safe and sound.

    @lovingmybabyboy My induction on mon is going to use pitocin as a last option. First they are going to put this pill next to my cervix that's supposed to soften the cerivx and hopefully pressure of the baby could start the process. If that doesn't work out then they are going to try a foley bulb and then the pitocin would be used last.
  • Thanks..... sounds like too much for me. I'm a punk when it comes to pain
  • I was induced with my first. I decided to get an epidural after they announced it was my last chance.. Everything was fine until they realized my daughter was faced the wrong way and was not coming out of my small frame. I had a c section and it wasnt anything like i imagined. I thought it it was going to be horrible. It hurt afterwards but the pain was easily managed.. And i had no complications with it.
  • Oh and the epidural was awesome. I wosh i would have gotten it sooner.
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