question for past preggos..2ND QUESTION LOL

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Ok so I'm 19wks and have gained 8lbs so far. My prepregnancy weight was no where near what I wanted it to be, so my goal for this pregnancy is no more than 25lbs. How much should i expect to gain from now on?? Or is it hard to determine?? My appetite hasn't really changed but I've been too exhausted to excersise much. I'm really not trying to be vain or self concious, I'm just wondering what to expect..


  • It's hard to determine but as long as you eat healthy all the weight you gain should be baby weight and you will quickly loose it
  • edited April 2011
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  • I've gained over 50lbs with both pregnancies. Now on my third at my 20 week appt I had gained 9. But I seem to gain like at 26weeks-34 weeks. It just depends on the person.
  • You Gain the most weight in the 3rd trimester. I'm 19 weeks and only have gained a pound. Just eat healthy and light exercise.
  • Well... I gained about 63 with my first. Blah. I've only gained about 25 and I am now almost 36 weeks. Funny thing is, is my son was only 6 pounds when born and this baby inside of me is sitting about 6 pounds and I'm not even full term lol.
  • it just depends. just try eat healthy and go for walks few times a week also helps with giving birth.
  • Thanks for all the input ladies!! I hate to sound vain but I'm sure everyone is nervous about the weight part lol
  • I was 5" and no more then 100lbs before my first. And I gained 36lbs. I didn't take eating for two literally. I think if your doctor says youre measuring good and baby is where they are supposed to be then it should be ok. It's good to eat healthy with light exercise.
  • Ok so again my first priority is my baby girl, but summer is coming lol is it possible to tone your arms when your pregnant?? Just using like 3 or 5 lb weights?? I just never got a chance to lose my winter padding because I got pregnant in Dec. Lol my midwife said small weights are fine but will it even do anything?? I guess what I'm asking is will my body respond to it or is it just gonna hold on to all the flab until Sept lol wow I sound like an airhead I swear I'm not lol
  • Lol I got 5 pounds weights because I want to tone my arms too haha thought I was alone!!! But am not sure if it will do anything but I am going to try anyways haha but get a list of exercises that are safe for hoe far along you are. I'm 16 weeks and have a book, and the exercises change with each trimester!
  • How not hoe lol!! My bad :p
  • Don't worry to much about your weight gain its so hard to deterime. With my first I gained almost 100 lbs! With this one I would guess 10 so far and maybe another 20. It just depends what you weight to begin with I think.
  • @froggurl lol Thanks!!

    @socalmomma2boys well I was like 156 to begin with, but I'm only 5'1" so I was chubby. But I have big boobs and a big butt so I didn't look awful, just not what I used to be. But I was technically considered overweight for my height. Anyway, I'm not gonna let it consume me but it's hard to ignore lol
  • It's really hard to say because every pregnancy is different. With my first, I gained 80lbs, and with my second I gained 70! But this time around, I've only gained 3lbs. so far and I'm about to hit 28 weeks on Monday. It's completely different for me and I'm kind of weirded out, but my doctor said that he looks healthy and everything seems fine so I'm just thanking my lucky stars that I'm not already at 50lbs! LoL.
  • With my first I didn't gain really anything till 6 months and it was all baby weight and water. The baby gained,the placenta was juicy as my doc sed,and I had enough water for three in there. The last day I weighed myself I was up 40 lbs cause water. I was in labor also lol
  • @starrxoxo9 I know what you mean its hard cause you have no control at least it is for me....just remember you lose about 30 some pounds when you deliver I think
  • I feel the same way you do... Fit Pregnancy magazine/website has lots of great exercise suggestions to help tone, prepare for labor, and increase the speed of post-baby recovery. I've just made a rule to eat more fruits and veggies, avoid fast food and soda and other empty calorie foods that won't help baby and will just become fat for me.. and exercise, even if its just a walk around the neighborhood, 30 mins per day. I don't know if it will matter... But, like stretch mark cream, whether it works or not you gotta at least Try!
  • I think it has to do w ur weight before u get pregnant also. My very first I only gained 12 lbs the whole time. I wasn't huge before but just wasn't healthy. Ate whatever, drinking, etc. I actually weighed less after having the baby. Of course I quit drinking and that cut out a lot of empty calories so that small of weight gain was healthy. If ur naturally thin u should gain about 30 lbs. I never gained over 20 w mine. I agree w the earlier post about eating for two. Eat like u normally would and if ur hungry all the time eat fruit and drink lots of water. Most of the time ur not really hungry, just thirsty. Also, I think using small weights of 3 lbs will make a difference. Anything done over and over. Will tone.
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