belly buddy!!! 9/8/11



  • im 21 first bby it's a girl due 9/10/11
  • Hi ladies! I'am glad I won't be the only pregnant and hot all summer. I'am due the 7th its a boy. We found out at 12 weeks I wanted to be suprised but the tech just said it. I already have a boy so was expecting a girl but I couldn't be more excited boys are awesome! Finding out a little early really helped me bond its a good thing the tech slipped. He is moving like crazy all of sudden these past weeks too. Oh and I turn 23 on the 25 of april. I am so excited this is my first post! Lol
  • @jellybeans_mommy I'm so jealous of ur ultrasound pic....only one I have is a little ball LOL!!! So lucky!
  • @Pookypoo22~ my hubby already tlkn bout havin another one but we havent even had this one yet...
  • lol this girl "BIGG" im scared about labor already lol
  • Im due 9/8 too
  • @jellybeans_mommy you have any movement yet??

    @tristansmom thats great! do u know the gender yet??? how old are you!?
  • yupp she move a lot
  • I'm due Sept 8th too!!!! Yayy belly buddy! I'm 24, this is my first :) I find out nxt thur wat we're having woot woot!!
  • 9.8.11 That's my Birthday!! Ill be 20. I'm due 9.7.11* :-D
  • I'm 23...24 on may 5. Pregnant with my first, its a girl!! Due july 17!
  • Hi am 25 I am carrying my first bambino due no september 10th. Go for scan on wednesday so hopefully find out then what am having not bothered either way as long as its healthy partner got heart set on girl but from my scan at 12weeks by skull theory looks boy :-P
  • @mybabyuno Congrats!!!! We find out the same week!!! New ultrasound pics LOL
  • @pookypoo22 congrats to you too girl!!! Yayyy keep me updated n let me kno when u find out!!!
  • @chazza where have u been hun? Long time no hear, how's the lil bambino n you?
  • Hey I'm due September 8th too and having a boy.... this makes my 3rd boy no more trying for my lil gurl lol
  • Hi av been fine just working alot of overtime lol stupid I know but had to raise the pennies for things lol just sticking to my normal hours now it totally took it out me. I have 20wk scan on wednesday when is yours xx
  • i'm due sept 8th and having a boy!! he is very active. ive been feeling him kick for a week now and boy does he kick alot!!!
  • those having boys got names picked out? I've picked Christian Grant before i was even pregnant!!!
  • im 23 with my first!!
  • @mrscrockett congrats of course I have a boy in the making...ndmed
  • Aw I wanted a girl but I'm happy bc even one keeps telling me how sweet boys are to their mom.
  • My lil man already crazy. See his lil hand/fingers making signs.
  • I'm 21. From my lmp my due date was 9/9/2011 which is a day after my birthday but since my 1st us, doc says 9/14/2011. I'm open 4 txt buddies.
  • Im 22 and due sept 8 dnt kno wat im having tho
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