prob tmi, but please give me your imput<3

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I've read so many things about where pregnant women are super horny, but I am the total opposite. I'm kinda actually repulsed by the whole thought! Anyone else the sameway! Btw I'm 14 w and 2 d


  • Same here!! But I'm only about 5 weeks. Honestly though my drive wasn't that high to begin with...
  • edited February 2011
    A lot of it depends on how you're feeling overall as well...when I first became pregnant, I was definitely more horny....but then as the morning sickness began and I started having nausea alllll day, that totally changed and now I want nothing to do with it :) But everyone's different!
  • My sex drive is low I'm almost 18 weeks this is my third pregnancy and everyone told me just wait towards the end it will change and it didn't with the last two pregnancy. I feel bad for my husband we don't have sex a lot before but more then once every two months like now
  • ive always had a high drive and up until about a few days ago was still very interested in it like all the time i think my biggest thing is im showing alot and leaking colostrum so i dont feel very attractive right now. but we will see how it goes im 18 wks 6 days
  • Awe thanks girls! I don't feel like such a freak. I feel bad for my bf but I really am just not feeling it! :( lol
  • no prob all girls are diff when it comes to pregnancy so we all get to tell really interesting stories
  • Im the same way I was like that with my first as well lol I find no interst in swx right lol and I thought it was just me being werid :D
  • My poor bf hates his life haha! But I just can't bring myself to doing it! I'm so glad there are others like me :)
  • I feel bad because right now mine depends on the day/ fluctuates badly.

    And idk about you guys but I can't stand it when he bugs me for it. It disgusts me. Our uhhm sex life wasn't the best before anyway, my bf doesn't take to heart what I say I do or don't like, he just does whatever. And I feel sensitive to the touch right now so it just repulses me sometimes. :/
  • Lol- same here... what's even worse is that I was er- Supergirl (;) ) with my first pregnancy & he was thrilled!... but I never got morning sickness & this time around I've been sick on & off for 10 weeks & have no drive whatsoever... poor guy's being strong & brave... but I can tell he's miserable. I tried to help by telling him things to try to help me get in the mood... helps a little... maybe you can try that? Good luck hon! Just tell him you love him & he'll be alright =)
  • I fluctuate too. My husband started working a new job where he moves lumber all day, so when he gets home, he just wants to crash. Sometimes I feel like attacking him and other days I just wanna cuddle and fall asleep together.
  • with my first pregnancy my sex drive was waaaaayy higher. this time.. its really low. lol guess it just depends on yu & yur pregnancy (:
    every pregnancy is different so NOTHING should make yu feel weird! (:
  • My bf hated when I was pregnant cause I never wanted to have sex the first or second trimester.. I didn't want sex until I was about 7months and by then I was too big to enjoy it
  • So I was having the same thoughts and now I'm glad I read this post. I'm now 10 weeks and I finally wanted to last night since jan 2. A whole month of nothing and my poor hubby was just commenting that in the past 6 years we have been together this is the 1st time he has ever gone this long. I think he is blessed, but that's just me. Either way I. Rarely feel like it any more.
  • Awe thank you girls! :) I'm so glad there's so many more girls out there like me! Hahaa
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