Quick question if u had sex 3 times last week (every other day) and ur period was suppose to come on this week and its 3 days late are u pregnant???? Someone please help me understand
You should be able to know now hun. Usually tests can pick enough of the pregnancy hormone at 1 day late to get a positive test. I always took mine 1 day late. id go to the store, grab a 2 pack of clearblue digital, so you can read clear words and not lines, and pee on it right away in the morning with your first mornings urine! best of luck hun and let me know!!
Sorry to be so late responding back ladies but i was so down because my period at least that is what i believe had came on before i could even test... Its like a regular period but no cramping... I believe that i might still be pregnant and im having implantation bleeding so until thursday when i finally get to test... Wish me baby dust ladies....
P.s. the tests are about $9 at wal-mart
Took a test a day after I missed it n got a +. I'm 12 weeks now!! Good luck