33 weeks today. (:

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have about 4/5 contractions a day that actually hurt, is this normal? Or braxton hicks. I feel like I have braxton hicks a lot (feeling like the baby is balling up making my tummy brick hard) but I can never tell if it is truly the baby balling up, or if it is a BH. ? Can anyone help with that?
Also I've started passing out a lot lately, this is my first pregnancy so I don't know if this is normal, or something I should worry about.


  • i dont think the passing out is normal. Does your dr know about that?
  • Yeah, it happened in the begining of the pregnancy as well. This time was way worse she said she thought it was my iron or blood sugar and did test but I don't get the results for another week?
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