38 weeks and 4 days needs help.

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
So this is my first pregnancy and my due date is next Friday.. lately I have been feeling so nauseous but I don't vomit and my face and body feels hot , headache and I had diarrhea today also been feeling menstrual cramps that comes and go but they aren't that strong . I had my ob appt last Friday and I'm still not dialated at all but dr. Said that my cervix is soft .. what could this be ?? Is she coming out soon?? Thanks for your answers.


  • Sounds like thr flu to me... although it could also be your body just prepping for labor. You are 38 weeks so I would definitely say baby is coming soon, one way or another! ;)
  • Thank you for ur answer
  • OThat dosent sound pleasent :( im sorry hunny I would call ur doc n ask them wat to do...u shouldnt hav to b any more uncomfortable than pregnancy already makes u if u can help it...good luck!!!
  • I am 38w2days and have been experiencing some nausea and diarrhea. I have felt warm because the weather is finally getting better here in the nw. I haven't had any cramps or anything like that though. I did have my cervix checked today, I'm 1cm and 50% effaced with a soft cerivx. You could be getting close! Did you mention the other symptoms to your doc? Mine aren't severe.
  • @pregggiggles...where r u at in the nw thats warm lol its still super cold here
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  • Thanks so much everyone for your answers.. and I was in LABOR I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl that afternoon :) she came out so healthy I'm so happy everything came out good :) . Now its our 2nd day beeing home :)
  • Awe congratulations!!! That's o wonderful. Enjoy mommy Hood :)
  • Thank you so much :)
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