annoying questions youve gotten since announcing your GREAT news..

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Are you getting married??
I'm 26, have a great job, and have supported myself for years. My bf and I love each other, didn't plan on a baby this year but it happened and we are excited! A marriage does not guarantee forever so we have decided to wait until we are ready to get married.. I grew up in a great household w good morals but we want our child to have happy parents together forever, not stressed and ripping at the seams! Marriage two years from now will be better bc it will be planned :)


  • I have gotten asked that question from about every single family member.
  • o i so agree my answer to that question is maybe never maybe someday. we aint gunna just cause we are having a baby. a baby doesnt need their parents to be married to be happy. my mom and dad got married cuz they got prego with me lasted exactly a year and a day. now they hate each other more than anything
  • I think you're making a good decision in making sure you're right for each other first; I know a couple who got preggers out of wedlock & were shamed into getting married & although they are still married 7 years later they are the most miserable & mismatched couple & are horrible, horrible unwilling parents. So sad. Good luck & I hope you do stay together forever as a wonderful & happy family ;)
  • I keep gettin asked if im having just have a huge belly deal with it...grrr lol
  • It drives me nuts when people ask "so, what do you want to have?" ....I want to have a baby!!! That's what!! lol
    I won't ever tell anyone one way or the other, and if someone says they get a feeling that I'm having whatever, I have to knock on wood! Lol
  • When I told my grandparents, my grandpa asked, "so how did that happen?" I just told him, "I don't think I need to explain how babies are made." My family probly wouldn't care if I wasn't married, but the same grandpa said, "at least you did it in the right order. Got married, then got pregnant." I got married cuz I knew my husband was the right man for me. Good for you girls for waiting and not rushing into it!
  • Me and my boyfriend Have been engaged for a few months, way before we found out we were expecting. A lot of people don't know that we are engaged so when people find out I'm pregnant they are Like. OMG! I'm sorry. How do you feel about that, as if its the end of the world! People these days, I swear. P.s. this is my second.
  • Oh and we are super excited! Lol
  • Am I keeping it.... Eri bodythat no us know that we are keeping it ....duhhh
  • If im having twins. But not really questions but little comments like ' well at least that means your chance of miscarriage is less' when we told the family at 11 wks. It just kinda bothered me because we had a miscarriage just two monks prior
  • The question I get most of the time is "Are you sure you are ready fot this" Ummm Yea it was a big shock and yes I can do this. There are 14 kids in my family and I am the youngest I grew up taking care of kids. Everyone is making me feel like I am unfit to be a mother!
  • I haven't some annoying questions like "why weren't you on birth control?" Um, cause im married and I'm not a little kid having sex, I'm a married woman who knows what happens when you have sex! Then I got "oh, what are you gonna do" um, im gonna have a baby! Wth!
  • Drives me nuts when people chime in on names. You are not my mother so if I wanted your opinion I would have asked. Before we found out we are expecting a girl I hated when people would ask what I thought it was, and what I wanted. I also ran in to the twins question so much that my DH asked for the US tech to double check that their is only one! I went from a size 2/4 to maternity cloths by 6 weeks. My mom still thinks they have the dates wrong.
  • Yeah I agree with @jorjiegirl ppl always asking what it is and I'm like I don't know I just found out I was pregnant or asking what do you want it to be, does it matter do I have a choice, and worst of all ppl like my moms husband saying to name the baby after him, yeah cause you mean so much to me and I don't have a real father who isn't a complete d-bag. My sisters dumb bf even went as far as to tell me to name the baby after him, what is wrong with ppl, do they even use their heads....
  • @mariacon
    When I told my dad, he said, "What?! I thought you were on the pill." I haven't been on the pill since I was 14! (I've always had bad periods and I was hoping it would help. Just made me have nervous breakdowns.) I also hate it when people say, "oh, you can't name your baby that! S/he will get made fun of in school!" Kids will pick on each other for anything. Having a unique name will be cool when s/he grows up.
  • I'm havin twins I had my first child at 16 everyone keeps askin "do uthink for ready for 2" I believe I am I did it wit my first I can do it again!
  • @VictoriaB I can't stand when people tell me what to do with my baby! It's so rude. Like, you have nothing nice to say, fake it! Lol
  • Lol! I like that! I don't mind getting real advice, but dumb/rude questions and having people tell me what to do isn't cool.
  • There's a girl at work who keeps asking me (every shift together) how far along I am and how much weight I've gained. Pisses me off, especially since I've lost weight cause I've been so sick.
    Like, go away!! I don't need you prying every damn day!! Lol
  • Or when people ask "so what are u going to do" like obviously keep it if I'm still pregnant! Oh and my fav... "who is the dad"? Ummm I've had the same bf and everyone that knows me know that! Its hard to keep ur cool with this mood swings and dumb questions lol.
  • If I was having twins....grrr. and I also hate when people ask you if you have chose a na,e, you tell them and they say, oh that's weird!! WTH! Lol congrats to all you mommies and mommy's to be!
  • *name not na,e
  • I have twins so I get the twins question alot. But I think the worst thing that was said was my hubby's gma said "you know even the Pope says it's ok to wear a condom." She says this because I can't take control because it gives me migraines, she thinks I'm a naturalist or something I guess. Rude.
  • lol, I look "young" for my age, I'm 19 & could maybe pass for 17 or 18.. had my first at 18, so looked younger then too. anyways! people would ALWAYS ask if its my first.. hello! do I look like I have 2 kids? lol I guess yu never know but stil. it always irritated me. that & when I was only 7 mnths they said, "yu look like yur gona pop"! nope.. 2 more months but THANKS.
    lol goodness, can't wait for this time around.
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  • @elle_baby my sister of all ppl asked if the father was the same guy as my daughters father, I was like, um yeah you'd probably know if we weren't together anymore seeings how your my sister
  • I get the "why no bc" question all the time. Oh I'm sorry. I'm married and it wasn't like we were trying. After my mirena fell out we decided if it happens it happens. Yeah, the timing isn't ideal because we had to move into my moms bc I lost my job and found out about baby a month later and still can't get anyone to hire me. But really??? Why can't people just say congrats? I also get the are u happy question. Ummm yeah! I love being a mommy. Sure there is stress but obviously it was meant to be! And don't even get me started on the name
    Sorry... I had to vent. Congrats everyone.
  • I hate... "Do you have any names picked out?" Ummm... no! I'm 6 weeks, not 6 months! Can I at least get the first ultrasound before I plan his/her life out? Maybe that's just me being emotional.
  • Not only is it the are you having twins question that gets me, it the Are you sure!? After I say no. really? Are you trying to make sure I feel awefull? And my mom is the worst!! Every weekend when she comes to watch my other two! ITS MY THIRD! YOU SHOW FASTER! come on! Its not like I'm a cow! Just have a big belly..
  • How about when ppl offer you unwanted advice. Like breastfeeding is the best option and you should eat all organic. Look, I raised one Smarty pants child already, but thanks!!
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