todays my due date and I feel nothing:(

edited April 2011 in April 2011
So today's my due date and I don't feel anything happening down there...if anything I feel less pain now then I did a couple of weeks ago.



  • Just relax and it may happen, it will happen soon though
  • I agree with @proudmomma you just need to relax. You wont feel yourself dilating or anything so don't worry that you can't feel anything happening hun :) eat all your favorite foods and enjoy your last days/week of pregnancy because you will miss the feeling when baby comes :)
  • I hope so I'm tired of being preggo :-S
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  • I know what you mean hun, I went 8 days over with my first but at least you know for sure all of his/her organs will be fully developed and the lungs will be great! The doctor wont torture you too much to go too far past your due date. Its really common for first time mommy's to go overdue. :) soon hun, I promise! Just relax, make sure to take lots of nice warm and quiet baths :D
  • It's very true that you will miss being prego. It is normal to be tired of it but enjoy those movements
  • I am and its not my first lol its my fourth! !but this pregnancy has sucked..everything. hurt and have had really bad ligament pain on the sides of my belly.and now that I'm closer to going into labor I have less pain that never happened with my other pregnancys.
  • I just feel like he isn't coming lol
  • My 1st was 1day late.2nd was 7days late.3rd was 5days 4th was 4days late and had no intention on coming out. He was 10lbs and I cried to be induced. I had bronchitis and pneumonia at the time.I couldn't eat, sleep,breath,move or wipe myself.don't worry baby will come when its ready unless its like my lazy 4th,lol.this one will probley be late too.I will never be induced again though,ill wait.good luck.
  • Are u dilated at all?
  • @lucky7 I have no clue I starting going to a new doctor and they don't check untill u go over which I am now yet they made me an appointment untill the 19! The doc I use to go to would start at 37 weeks...and oh my gosh I can barely wipe 2lol tmi..I've been carrying him really low

  • @happymommyof4 19th is not too bad that's 4days over due.I would personally have sex and then go for a nice long walk, doesn't always work but worth a shot.have you thought about what you want to do?would you want to be induced?do you want to just wait?
  • So my big belly gets in the way lol..I don't know how much this one is going to weigh my others first 2 were in the 7 lbs and 3rd was 8 I was a 10 pounder lol
  • Idk I was induced with my last because my contractions had stopped and I was dialated like 5 the contractions hurt like hell but idk
  • Omg that happened wit my 2nd it hurt so bad.I was in so much pain with my 4th I just begged for them to take him out.I only gained 20lbs and he was 10lbs I was so miserable honestly though I wish I could take it back and have just let him come when he was ready.labor was horrible with him.nurse had to jump on me and push him out.I ripped really bad.were u over due with your others?
  • 40weeks to... I was just hoping he would come out earlier...omg they do that that's crazy! I woulda socked somebody lol well I'm gonna have to wait see when he gets tired of being squished and comes on his own
  • Maybe youve stopped getting pains cos its the calm before the storm so too speak. Hope it is and baby comes soon x
  • Idk it always happens to me I see the hospital and boom there gone. Why do some people say more babies come on fool moons??
  • Well if they are right may be the bby will come on the 18th thts the next full moon =]]
  • Get a pedicure and walk walk walk! That what we did
  • by my 3rd day over ny due date i was determined to have my baby lol. that morning i cleaned like crazy n felt nothing then when i was getting my laundry i slipped n fell on effibg dog pee!! i was so mad but thats what landed up breaking my water n i got induced that same day cuz i wasnt dialating. lol crazy for being my first
  • Why do people say a fool moon brings on labor??? There was a fool moon yesterday and one today.....and I walk everyday and I still feel nothing :(
  • About the moon question is @ iris_y_juan
    If anybody else knows that would be great
  • I dk but did u have the baby yet
  • Nope no baby @zexy4da011 I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check om him. There's a fool moon tonight that's why I wanted to know if anybody knew about that
  • Walk, wAlk, try not to stress too much, that doesnt help! Ur baby will come! Try to have sex if ur up to it! That helps! Oh n try ginger tea, strong gingee tea!
  • way tmi.but reach up in down there n like scratch at ur cervix with end of fingers then go 4 walk goodluck if u cant reach ask.other half if u can
  • @ bummy87 is that like to try and scrape the membranes???@taty my 4 yr old son stressed mr out bad LOL. And I'm not a big fan of teas. And sex just hurts right now.
  • pretty much my friend rekons it works im to early to try but thats pretty much what the midwife did with my last 1 it worked didnt hurt at all
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