mirena vs. implanon

edited April 2011 in Health
So I just had my 4th child 6 weeks ago and I went to my 6wk appt yesterday and they asked me what birth control I want and I'm at a total crossroads. I'm not sure if I want the implant in the arm or the mirena. I had the para guard [copper iud] put in in july '09 and got pregnant with that still in in july '10 and it always caused sex to be discomforting not to mention it broke in half when my ob took it out!! So I'm nervous about another iud but I've heard great things about it. I've only met 1 person who had the arm implant and she loved it but I don't know of any other person who has it. Can anyone give me some info on implanon and or mirena? I would really appreciate it as I have to give them my answer on Monday! Thank you!


  • I had the implanon for almost 3yrs after having my son. It worked wonders for me. They do a tiny insition with local anestesia and thats it nothing crazy. While on it I had a period maybe every 2-3 months. I did gain a bit of weight while on it so when I removed it on Jan 13 2011 it has a bit irritated after but nothing to bad. You can barely see the cut its that tiny. I got pregnant right away after removing it without ever having a period. Im now 10+3wks. But it was planned.
  • @Mommy2BeAgain how much weight did it make u gain? Was the period very heavy or normal? Did u also use condoms?
  • @mommy_of_4 I gained about 20lbs but I cant fully blame it on the Implanon lol my periods where normal just lasted a bit longer than usual and no I never used condoms.
  • @Mommy2BeAgain did it give u any other side effects like headache or nausea?
  • Im getting the implanon after i have this bby cuz i hated the mirena
  • Nope nothing at all @mommy_of_4
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  • My sis had the implanon and she had her period for the longest time and it made her feel uncomfortable but just like any birth control the side effects are different for everyone. Good luck!
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  • Oh I new what you ment I was just trying to figure out how was it relevant lol No he never pulled out we just did it. Never got pregnant while on it. It is one of the most effective bc out there right now. @firsttimemommytobe
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  • Well I had it on for almost 3 yrs and never had a scare. This bc stops you from ovulating completely so is almost impossible to get pregnant. @firsttimemommytobe
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  • @mommy_of_2 why did u hate the mirena?
    @mommy2beagain thank u for answering my questions! U really helped me out.
    @mama0811 what in it made ur hair fall out? Why couldn't u shed more weight?
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  • I had mirena for five years first month it was painful then no periods rest of time never had any problems I loved it I didn't gain any weight I got it out Jan 13 got prego Feb 13 but its different for everyone since I want a child in three years I will do either implant or nuva ring
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