How do you know if your water broke?

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 37wks; and its my first time. Just curious, how do you know when your water breaks? And do you usually feel any pain at all? What color is your A. Fluid? Does a lot fluid gush out or is just a trickle?

-I woke up a little while ago, and while I was getting myself up I heard a popping sound. I have bad bones, sometimes when I get up my bones crack/pop all the time as if I was cracking my knuckles.. But when I got up, fluid trickled down my legs (I don't sleep with undergarments anymore, sorry tmi).. the fluid was a clearish color. I can't really distinguish a smell, I'm congested ): Maybe I'm just paranoid.. I didn't really need to pee, but I did anyways thinking maybe I just leaked a little pee?


  • My mom has had 6kids and she told me with my brother it would trickle and she thought she was peeing the bed but went to the ER and it was her water breaking. I am also a FTM so I dont know for sure.
  • I would go to the ER, not sure about the pop but sounds like your water broke, better safe than sorry, good luck and congrats
  • When your water break do you usually feel pain?
  • I didn't feel any pain I just heard a popping sound then gush some just have a trickle I would go to the hospital if I was you :)
  • No the contractions won't necessarily start right away but you don't want to risk infection so I wouldn't wait around for them to start, you can always call L&D and see what they recommend
  • i wasnt sure about mine breaking either. but it would come out in little trickles at a time. i didnt have a single contraction after so when i went to the dr i had to be induced. good luck :)
  • I had no contractions either and had to be induced
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  • Mine Broke when I was sleeping and it was gushes of water, had to be induced bc I didn't have contractions. If you aren't sure tho, they have a test stick at the hospital that they swab around your vagina to see if it is amniotic fluid or not.
  • With my first I heard a pop and it only made a hole in one of my waters. so it continued to trickle like crazy. With my second it popped loudly and came out like you wouldn't believe. Luckily I made it to the toilet in time!
  • Sounds like baby on the way! Go to the EE sounds like ur broke!
  • With some people it breaks, and some just leak. You need to call your dr, they will probably want you to come in so they can test it. But sounds like it broke to me. If so it will continue to come out!
  • Yeahhh sounds like you need to go to the ER ;) good luck
  • When u here a poppin sound its time!!!!
  • edited April 2011
    Usually if it breaks you'll feel a gush and then a continual trickle. Its possible that baby punched ur bladder and made you pee if there isn't a continued unstoppable trickle. If ur concerned though you can go to the hospital and have them check you out

    It shouldn't hurt when ur water breaks unless ur having contractions and then you will feel like you lost a little cushion when ur uterus contracts.
  • Go to the er I bet its your water. You may have a leak. Is it still happening?

    I was induced with my first and I didn't hear a pop when they broke my water
  • Youll know. Its a slow gush, every few minutes. Consistently.
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