It feels like ur tummy balls up...gets hard. A true contraction feels like pulling from way down low and is more painful. BH shouldn't really hurt..just be uncomfortable.
Mine almost remind me of a charlie horse in my lower belly it gets really hard and sometimes mine do hurt a bit I can kind of massage/stretch it away it doesnt last long only a few minutes tops
I never felt them with my first it was so light I ignored them but with her I also didn't know I was in labor when I went in to be induced. I just had some light cramping but thought it was jitters and ibs from being excited.
This one I get pressure and she is in a ball. Then I get some more now that I'm 37 weeks that I get pressure in my tummy and back and pelvis and cramping and pain so those to me feel like the contractions I had when first got the painful contractions. But I can tell you if you get anything consistent call your doc
thank god for this forum. I had no idea what this was. I kept seeing "braxton hicks" in subject lines and thought that people wanted to name their baby that! lol..(a LOT of people!) or that it was some celebrity or country singer that I never heard of! anyway.. good to know.
Im not exactly the best at taking pain with that being said my two biggest fears are rediculous contractions nd eating alot nd out of the blue going into labor nd having an accident...omg I kno tmi...but Its on my mind...
This one I get pressure and she is in a ball.
Then I get some more now that I'm 37 weeks that I get pressure in my tummy and back and pelvis and cramping and pain so those to me feel like the contractions I had when first got the painful contractions. But I can tell you if you get anything consistent call your doc
anyway.. good to know.